Rocks Thrown at Nadler and Engel On Har Hazeisim

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engel-nadler-hoenlein-lubinskyCongressmen Jerold Nadler and Eliot Engel were touring the bais hakevaros of Har Hazeisim in East Jerusalem earlier today when an unidentified man threw a large, “baseball-sized” rock, almost striking Nadler, his spokesman said.

The incident was first reported in the Jewish Press, which claims the tour group, including the two congressmen, were attacked by a “rock throwing Arab mob.” Nadler spokesman John Doty disputed that notion, saying the congressman told him that only one individual threw the rock.

“He’s fine. No one was hurt,” Doty said. “I think they were waiting for their bus, and then a rock was thrown…and then Israeli police officers chased the person away. They didn’t catch them. Then they got on the bus and left.”

Engel confirmed the story in a statement:

“As we were about to board the bus at the conclusion of our visit, I heard a rock hit a car about 100 feet from us. I saw police jump out of their vehicle to ensure our safety. I don’t know if the rocks were thrown at us or at the police. All I know is we heard a thud and later someone brought over the rock. We were told that incidents happen like this all the time, but it is disconcerting to actually have been a part of it.”

Nadler and Engel have been in Israel for a week, part of a group of traveling American politicians that, last week, included City Council Speaker Christine Quinn and other New York officials, sponsored by a number of Jewish American groups. They were visiting Har Hazeisim in East Jerusalem. The cemetery had been vandalized recently, and the congressmen were on hand to view desecrated tombstones.

The Jewish Press reported that an earlier rock-throwing incident resulted in several injuries, including two police officers. Managing Editor Yishai Fleisher, who was with Nadler and Engel at the cemetery, said the attack underscored the danger Israelis in the area face every day.

“The attack the congressmen faced is part of the day-in day-out reality of Jewish communities who live in proximity to the ancient Jewish cemetery at the Mount of Olives and that is what we need to fight,” Fleisher said in the article.

Engel echoed that sentiment.

“This incident is just more evidence that the vandalism of the graves and the harassment of those who visit the cemetery need to be stopped.”

{City and State NY/ Newscenter}


  1. so, it happens to some congressmen – & that wakes up everybody. What about the hundreds of frum yidden that go there daily for L”A levayes or yartzietz. (Or the Beyoner Rebbe?)They don’t count?
    For Shame!


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