Hamas Says It Has Accepted Cease-Fire Proposal from Egypt and Qatar

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Hamas claims it has accepted a cease-fire proposal from Egypt and Qatar on Monday — as the Israeli military prepares to launch an assault on its last stronghold in Rafah.

Ismail Haniyeh, the leader of Hamas, disclosed the decision to embrace the agreement in conjunction with the Prime Minister of Qatar and the Chief of Intelligence of Egypt.

While the general acknowledgment of the acceptance has been made public, specific terms and conditions of the accord remain undisclosed at present.

The declaration follows a breakdown in cease-fire negotiations over the preceding weekend, instigated by an assault perpetrated by the militant organization on an Israeli military outpost, resulting in the loss of four soldiers’ lives. Consequently, there has been a noticeable exodus of thousands of Palestinians from various parts of Rafah, situated in the southern region of the Gaza Strip.

This mass movement has been prompted by Israel’s declaration of its intention to initiate an offensive against Hamas strongholds within the area.

{Matzav.com Israel}


  1. Destroy Hamas, or there will be another slaughter. It will embolden 100,000 new recruits and give license to massacres of Jews worldwide.
    We will pay with thousands more killed and maimed. Please destroy Hamas. Put them to death in an Israeli tribunal just like Nuremberg trials for genocide.

  2. Don’t waste taxpayer money just kill them and give then the pleasure of martyrdom a win win if you ask me

  3. 1000 % if not were done they cant think any other way but self-sacrifice for Allah well we can arrange that meeting very quickly. and if Allah loves them why can’t they win this war and if all Arabs laid down their guns, we would have instant peace, but if Isarael laid down its guns, there would be no more Israel. simple as that so we go on until total obliteration of them totally if u don’t get it u dont get it we are very sorry for the innocent chamas children born to these subhuman beasts’ very sorry, but each dead person of Gaza is 100 % Chamases fault bc they started the war 100 % Thiers not even o zero % our fault mel waterman zechor asher asa loichem amalek macha timche ess zaicher amalek


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