A-G To Supreme Court: Yeshiva Students Should Be Drafted To The Army

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The State of Israel’s official stance concerning the Charedi Draft Law, as conveyed to the Supreme Court, was circulated among government ministries on Wednesday evening for impending submission. It emphasizes the necessity of initiating the drafting of yeshiva students promptly and discontinuing financial support for yeshivas, with implementation potentially commencing as early as the upcoming Sunday.

Attorney-General Gali Baharav-Miara articulated in her retort that yeshivas whose attendees do not fulfill military service obligations will no longer receive governmental backing after a brief transition period to acclimate to this revised arrangement.

This response emerged shortly after Baharav-Miara vehemently responded to a missive dispatched by Cabinet Secretary Yossi Fuchs to Cabinet ministers. In this correspondence, Fuchs pointed fingers at her and the Defense Minister for the Cabinet’s failure to vote on the Draft Law.

“The government’s proposition lacks a foundational professional framework. There hasn’t been any presentation of expert opinions or documents outlining the government’s strategy for devising a system that fosters greater equity in military service distribution. The necessity for a robust professional framework is especially pronounced in a scenario where the government aims to enhance the equitable distribution of service responsibilities among the general populace—both in active duty and reserve capacities—while concurrently seeking extensions for yeshiva students’ enlistment deferrals,” remarked attorney Gil Limon, deputizing for Baharav-Miara in the response.

He appended, “This is why we insisted that the government’s decision should encompass the core essence and a professional framework for legislation, at the very least setting forth objectives capable of addressing the imperative of equality and the military’s requisites.”

Previously, Fuchs alleged in his letter to Cabinet ministers that Baharav-Miara and Defense Minister Yoav Gallant obstructed the progression of the Draft Law.

“Securing a professional standpoint from the Ministry of Defense was unattainable,” he penned, informing the ministers that there would be no Cabinet session dedicated to deliberating on the law.

In response, Gallant’s office retorted, “The accusations articulated in the Cabinet Secretary’s missive to the ministers are prejudiced and erroneous. Any inquiries pertaining to the collaboration of the Ministry of Defense’s professional echelons or any information concerning the Draft Law were met with affirmation and will continue to be affirmed in the future. As per the Defense Minister’s directive, Ministry of Defense personnel will collaborate and execute all requisite measures to achieve a law that garners consensus among all members of the interim government and adequately addresses security imperatives.”

According to reports from Kan 11 News, the government is poised to argue in its response to the Supreme Court regarding the Draft Law that there was a genuine endeavor to reach a consensus on the legislation. However, these efforts were futile, and an immediate cessation of yeshiva funding would be disproportionate, given the institutions’ reliance on these allocations.

{Matzav.com Israel}


  1. Ben-Gvir should be put his foot down and enforce judicial reform immediately. Enough with these self-hating radical leftist anti-Torah anti-G-d self-appointed evil judges whose biggest enemies are chareidim.

  2. ‘If Israel would be a normal country we would say who cares what this unelected attorney general has to say. The Adrian Israel is not elected to make the laws. We have the prime minister and the knesset. The AG has a fat mouth along with the justices who decide on a whim what the laws should be.


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