Abbas: Trump’s Vision Of Palestinian State Is ‘Like Swiss Cheese’

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In a speech on Tuesday to the U.N. Security Council, Palestinian Authority leader Mahmoud Abbas expressed contempt towards the Trump administration’s peace plan, saying it is filled with holes and comparing it to “Swiss cheese.”

“This plan should not be considered an international reference for negotiations,” he said. “It is an Israeli-American preemptive plan to put an end to the question of Palestine.”

The Trump peace plan, released on Jan. 28, recognizes a demilitarized Palestinian state with its capital in eastern Jerusalem “located in all areas east and north of the existing security barrier, including Kafr Aqab, the eastern part of Shuafat and Abu Dis, and could be named Al-Quds or another name as determined by the State of Palestine,” with a future U.S. embassy there.

“This plan violates international legitimacy. … It annuls the legitimacy of Palestinian rights, our right to self-determination, freedom and independence of our own state,” said Abbas in his Tuesday address, which consisted of him holding up maps that falsely claim that Israel stole land.

The plan permits Israel to annex 30 percent of the West Bank—a condition Abbas said “legitimized what is illegal, settlements and confiscation of land and annexation of Palestinian land.”

Abbas also stated that the proposal is “the entrenchment of occupation and confiscation of occupying force by military regime … strengthening the apartheid regime.”

The peace plan recognizes Yerushalayim as Israel’s capital, which Abbas rejected, as he did with the entire proposal.

“Jerusalem is no longer under the sovereignty of the state of Palestine,” he said. “Jerusalem is occupied land. Who has the right to give this as a gift to one state or another? We came before you.”

Israeli Ambassador to the United Nations Danny Danon responded to Abbas, saying the Palestinian leader doesn’t want peace.

“If Abbas was truly interested in peace, he wouldn’t be here, he would be in Jerusalem,” said Danon, adding that Abbas should “use this opportunity to start direct negotiations.”

Continued Danon: “Progress toward peace will not be made so long as President Abbas remains in his position. Only when he steps down can Israel and the Palestinians move forward. A leader who chooses rejectionism, incitement and glorification of terror can never be a real partner for peace.”




  1. Abbas’ desk, the State of Palestine, should be shipped to Jordan as the capital of Palestine.

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