ABSURD: California Makes History: First State in U.S. Giving Food Stamps to Illegal Aliens

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The sanctuary state of California will make history by becoming the first state in the nation to give food stamps to illegal aliens, Breitbart reports. This week, Gov. Gavin Newsom (D) announced a budget deal with Democrat state legislators that includes providing food stamps, paid for by California’s taxpayers, to illegal aliens 55 and older — the first initiative of its kind in the United States.

Expansion of the state’s CalFresh food stamps program will cost California’s taxpayers more than $35 million and about 75,000 illegal aliens are expected to enroll every year. The move comes as Newsom’s budget deal will also ensure that California is the first state in the nation to provide taxpayer-funded health insurance to all of its 3.3 million illegal aliens. Offering taxpayer-funded health insurance to its entire illegal alien population, the largest in the nation, is expected to cost California’s taxpayers about $2.4 billion annually. The plan is scheduled to begin in 2024.


  1. Guess what my friends, coming to New York shortly. Thank you Kathy Hochul. Thank you goes out to all our wonderful askanim who are bringing this to NY. ………………………..and all the other liberal democrat askanim. Vote democrat get toeiva in the street, abortion a must and all the other things our askanim are for.

  2. 35 million in a state with a budget surplus of almost 100 billion. Roundoff error. But it will prevent some elderly folks from starving.

    • What about existing citizens’ existing homelessness and “tent cities” and third-world-squalor in some major California cities? All that misery and California calls it a “surplus”? What about some $160 billion in unfunded pension liabilities? And so forth. As California is home to the major tech (and other) “rich” people who make money off the added TRILLIONS (literally) of Federal spending and the (past) flying stock markets, then California high marginal tax rate produces temporary high taxable income. But those TRILLIONS are coming to an end and even caused a market downturn that will savage that high level of taxable income. And to add both insult and injury to the topic, when the trump administration put a cap on SALT, California has set up a mechanism for the “rich” (who can set up the type of business entities required for this cheating scheme) to cheat the feds out of their tax money so that there is more for the State

  3. Counterproductive. The best reason to allow illegal aliens in, is to fill unwanted employment. Giving food stamps to those over 50 means they wont feel the need to do the work that our kids dont want to do. Providing food stamps to children or elderly I could understand as a humane gesture in communities that can afford it. But 55 is certainly not elderly.

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