Agudath Israel of America Statement on Recent Antisemitism on College Campuses

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Agudath Israel of America decries – in the strongest possible terms – the cesspools of naked, unabashed antisemitism that many institutions of higher learning have descended into since Hamas’ barbaric massacre on October 7th.

In some, the antisemitism has manifested itself in chants endorsing the destruction of Israel. In others, in blatant support for Hamas, the murderous terrorist entity whose foundational document lists “killing Jews” as part of its mission statement and explicitly rejects peaceful coexistence with Israel. In too many cases, Jewish students had to barricade themselves in libraries or their dormitories, made to be fearful of their safety by open calls for violence. Simply because they are Jews.

Agudath Israel of America’s Washington Office, together with its nationwide regional offices, have therefore raised the issue of campus antisemitism in their dozens of recent meetings with U.S. Senators and House members. We commend the Senate for its bipartisan – indeed, unanimous – adoption of a resolution condemning cases of antisemitism at institutions of higher education and encouraging college and university leaders to speak out against Jew-hatred.

We commend the Biden Administration as well for its unveiling of two significant measures aimed at addressing rising antisemitism on college campuses. We also appreciate the work and voices of many Jewish and non-Jewish individuals and organizations who have spoken out on this issue.

To our dear Jewish brothers and sisters on college campuses, stay strong! The Jewish people have been persecuted since time immemorial. However, with Hashem’s help, we have survived, even thrived. The antisemites will come and go. We will endure.


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