Agudath Israel Participates in Meeting with Eastern European UN Ambassadors Regarding Humanitarian Assistance to Ukrainian Refugees

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On Friday, March 11, high ranking Agudath Israel of America officials, along with representatives of other American Jewish organizations providing humanitarian assistance to Ukrainian refugees crossing the border into neighboring countries, participated in a meeting with UN ambassadors from a number of Eastern European countries. The meeting was hosted by the Slovakian Ambassador to the United Nations Michal Mlynar, and included ambassadors from Ukraine, Poland, Moldova, Hungary, and Romania.
The meeting was intended to create a dialogue between the organizations, Ukraine, and its bordering countries about how best to coordinate efforts and assist each other. One of the main issues discussed was expediting the transport of food, religious articles, and other supplies, avoiding unnecessary delays as the materials proceed through customs. In addition, Agudath Israel board chairman Mr. Sol Werdiger raised the issue of providing Kosher food for Jewish refugees through the UN world food program.
“It was very helpful to speak with ambassadors of the countries bordering Ukraine. Many refugees are heading there either as a waypoint or, possibly, permanently,” said Rabbi Chaim Dovid Zwiebel, who participated in the meeting in his capacity as Executive Vice President of Agudath Israel. “We are particularly grateful to have heard directly from the Ukranian ambassador about the needs of his country and people.”
Mr. Werdiger expressed his gratitude to the Slovakian ambassador for setting up this important meeting and recognizing the work of Agudath Israel. “But what is most important,” said Mr. Werdiger, “are the channels set up by this meeting that will help strengthen the relief and rescue efforts.”


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