Ahmadinejad: How Long Can US Remain a World Power w/ So Much Debt?

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ahmadinejadIranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad predicted the impending downfall of the “US empire,” according to the Jerusalem Post, blaming the collapse on a combination of the country’s massive debt and its loss of legitimacy within the international community, Iran’s official news agency IRNA reported Thursday.

“How long can a government with a $16 trillion foreign debt remain a world power?” he asked at a press conference with Kuwaiti media personnel, according to the Post report.  “The Americans have injected their paper wealth into the world economy and today the aftermaths and negative effects of their pseudo-wealth have plagued them…. An empire, or a government, remains in power so long as the people under its power support it, but today the Americans have acted in a way that the world nations do not like them at all, and therefore, their international legitimacy is annihilated.”

{Andy Heller-Matzav.com Newscenter}


  1. they are on their decend from their power just look no one respects us amymore
    all these countries were world powers once they started up with jews it was a matter of time before they fell
    u.s. passing toeva law…, laws against brissim…

  2. Just to clarify, it is not $16 trillion in foreign debt. That represents total US Government debt.

    The total foreign debt is $5 trillion of which Japan and China each hold about $1.1 trillion or about 40% of the total foreign debt.

    I also thought it was the $16 trillion. But according to usdebtclock.org. This is not true.

  3. to #4
    you can see a list of many tragedies & other sad events that will occur before mashiach comes. YOU can see these events told by HASHEM straight to zecharia Hanavi approx. 2000 years ago. see for yourself & look it up

    2 examples mentioned are 1)yerushalyim will be divided in half (not 75-25) & 2)the entire world-including the USA-will be against klal yisroel & bring milchemes gog u’magog upon us


  4. It’s a race between the tortoise and the hare. The US is the tortoise and you, Mr. Ahmadinnerjacket, are the hare. You will definitely win this race. Congratulations!

    Ein Ben David ba, ad shetichle peruta min hashuk.

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