An RCCS Chanukah Miracle

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doctors  By Rabbi Yosef C. Golding, Executive Director, Rofeh Cholim Cancer Society

On a Thursday evening, several weeks ago, RCCS received an alarming phone call from a patient’s son:

After undergoing a colonoscopy, his father was diagnosed with a mass in his colon and was scheduled for full colon removal the following Monday.
The RCCS medical directory team strongly advised him to go for a second opinon before proceeding with such radical surgery. He then reached out to one of our major hospital liaisons who advised him to seek the advice of a particular specialist at Weill Cornell Medical Center.

Due to financial constraints, he was not going to pursue this route since they felt the family could not undertake this additional expenditure. The RCCS Patient Advisor informed him about our Medical Bills Subsidy Program where RCCS pays for emergency consultations not covered by insurance.
With the knowledge that RCCS would pay for his consultation with this doctor, they met with him the very next morning. Upon reviewing the reports, he advised the family not to proceed with surgery; however he did request further testing, which would entail exorbitant costs.

Following the advice of RCCS, within days, the patient was able to enroll in an insurance plan that was accepted by the doctor and hospital, with the premiums fully subsidized by the RCCS Insurance Premium Program.

Today, we received a call from the patient’s son, stating that no further surgery needs to be done since the problematic mass was removed in its entirety during the original procedure and all other suspicious growths proved to be benign!

He was speechless; if not for RCCS his father’s colon would have been removed for nothing…

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  1. How do you know the second doctor was right? Maybe the first one was right and he really does need the surgery? You don’t automatically believe the second opinion any more than you automatically believe the first.

  2. WOW! Mee keamcha Yisroel!!
    I am proud to say i participated in your auction to RCCS in Lakewood, at a fantastic auction party! i gave as much as i was able to give. you are from the most important orgs out there! saving lives and families day after day.
    and i really enjoyed your live auction it was better then ever!


  3. Hi.
    I personally know this wonderful family. I am solo grateful to Hakadosh Baruch Hu that he is fine..and for sending such malachim like RCCS. You guys are absolutely awesome!!!!!

  4. Hi.
    I personally know this wonderful family. I am soo grateful to Hakadosh Baruch Hu that he is fine..and for sending such malachim like RCCS. You guys are absolutely awesome!!!!!

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