An Residential Jewel: The Final Phase of Construction

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Jerusalem Estates Introduces a Limited Series of Apartments

Throughout the marketing of the project, we picked up on a surging demand for premium apartments in Jerusalem. This was well met by Jerusalem Estates, which has gained renown as a prestigious residential brand and ideal living space for the highest possible quality of life in the city. 

We are now taking it a step further with a limited series of exclusive apartments in Buildings 6 and 7, HaRimon and HaEtrog. These are the final phase of Jerusalem Estates and the highlight of the residential complex – luxurious, expansive, and unique in design, with upgraded amenities and vast balconies. An exquisite product of this kind needs the perfect setting to flourish, and we could find no better backdrop than the Schneller compound.

Only a few dozen apartments remain out of the entire complex, including the unique collection in Buildings 6 and 7, which are already on the market. It won’t be long before this process culminates with the successful marketing of the project in its entirety, BS”D. If you would like the rewarding experience of acquiring everlasting history, contact our sales office at 718-564-6656, or visit

In Memoriam: Yehuda Feigin, a Dear Friend and Partner

As construction of the last buildings in the project nears completion, we were informed of the passing of the esteemed architect and craftsman Yehuda Feigin. Yehuda was the force behind the monumental design of Jerusalem Estates, and is largely responsible for the success and beauty of the project. May his memory be a blessing.