Appeal for Ramat Bet Shemesh Family Devastated By Fire

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fire-ramat-bet-shemeshDear Friends,

Until 5 AM yesterday morning, our neighbor the “E” family of Ramat Bet Shemesh was a typical English-speaking family trying to build a life in Israel.

At 5 AM this morning, a small blow heater in the children’s room shorted and burst into flames. By the time the “E” family realized what was happening, all that they had time to do was run for their lives.

Baruch Hashem the family of four made it out safely, but they watched their home and everything in it be consumed by the inferno. Though the structure of their modest home was insured, the insurance did not cover any of the contents of the house. As a result, they lost most of their earthly possessions, everything from furniture and appliances to shoes and socks. Nothing is left of the children’s room, which was completely destroyed by the fire.

Being that the family has no backing from anyone else other than us we have taken upon ourselves to help us get the “E” family back on their feet.  Our goal is to raise $60,000. Please help us!  May the zechus of your donation grant you and your family continuous protection.

Please donate HERE for U.S. tax credit donations.

Or send to:

Yeshivas Ohr Hatorah

c/o Ryan Shell

38 Whitman Street

Bergenfeild, N.J. 07621 USA

Please mark in the memo that it’s for the fire victims.

Israel tax credit donations zan be called in to 972-2-999-1500

“Kupa Shel Tzedaka Mishkenos Yakov”

Nachal Micha 3/5

Ramat Bet Shemesh

Email:  [email protected]

Bank details:

Bank Pagi

Branch 179

Account # 547-611

{ Newscenter}


  1. This is a true story. They live on the street right next to ours.

    Rav Mordechai Goldstein, son of R’ Tuvia Goldstein z”l is the Rav of that neighborhood and he oversees the Kupa that is accepting donations.

    You can trust them to pass your donation to the family and to help them in non- financial ways as well.

  2. This is true. She is one of my best friends from Neve (even though I haven;t seen her in a few years)….I set her up with her husband 12 years ago. This is devestating. Thankfully no one was hurt.

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