Baby Born After 20 Years, Mordechai Ben David’s Advice, and a Hard Kabbolah  – The Story (Full Video)

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At the end of the shiur of Rav Gamliel Rabinovich at the Shivti Bais Medrash in Yerushalayim, those present were happy to learn of the birth of the first child of Avi Revach, a volunteer for Ichud Hatzalah, after 20 years of waiting.

In his moving words in front of Rav Gamliel and the rest of the chaburah, Avi told what had happened and how he was zoche to a child after waiting so long.

“A year ago or so, we were here in the shul, and there was a very special Yid here. Everyone knows him: Mordechai Ben David. We were sitting at Kiddush after davening and someone told Mordechai that there is a Yid here who doesn’t have children and needs a yeshuah.

“Mordechai said to me: ‘Take on a kabbolah, something that is really hard for you to do, and then Hashem will give you too.’ I asked what thing I should be mekabel. Netilas yodayim? Kibbud av v’eim? He told me not to speak during davening. I told him that it’s hard, because I’m with friends and so on. He told me that that is precisely why I should make that kabbolah – because it’s hard for me to do. And then I’ll see a yeshuah.”

The new father continued: “That’s why I began to daven in another shul without my friends, so as not to fail at my kabbalah. A little more than a year after I made the kabbalah, I have been zocheh to the birth of my bechor.”




{ Israel}


  1. he told MBD “Ich hub gevart”, MBD said “Someday!”; he said “i’m waiting to be a Daddy Dear”, MBD said “Happy Days are coming”; he said “but my wife and I are Lonely People”, MBD said “iy”h by you a Neshomele…”


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