Baby Born To Englard Family Who Lost Two Sons in Meron Tragedy

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More than six months after they lost two sons, Yehoshua and Moshe Nosson Nota England z”l, in the awful Meron tragedy on Lag Ba’omer, the Englard family has welcomed a baby boy.

Rav Yitzchak Menachem Mendel Englard, Rosh Kollel Bobov in Yerushalayim, and his wife celebrated the birth yesterday.

During the Shiva for the two boys, the Englard home was a hub of activity, with people from across the spectrum, observant Jews and non-observant Jews, coming to be menachem avel, impressed by the reaction of the parents to the unspeakable tragedy. The grieving parents went out of their way to draw close every person who came to share in their great sorrow.

The 14-year-old Moshe Nosson Nota had arrived in Meron with a kvittel in his pocket to place at the kever. His brother, Yehoshua, was supposed to celebrate his bar mitzvah in Av.

Now, there is joy in the family, as they have welcomed a baby boy. As Chazal say, nolad ben zochor nisrapa kol hamishpacha.

{ Israel}



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