BACK TO THIS: CDC: 87% Of NY Counties Are At ‘High’ COVID Risk

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More than 85% of New York counties are now shaded orange, representing a high COVID risk, on the CDC’s map, 1010 WINS reports. The change comes from numbers more than doubling in the last three weeks reflecting the highest threat concerns by the federal health agency. The map shows that 54 out of 62 NY counties are on high alert.

With over 11,000 daily cases in a day, the state hit a new daily high compared to the beginning of 2022.

“Now is the time to double down on protecting ourselves and each other by making choices that can keep our friends, neighbors, relatives and coworkers from getting sick,” NYC health commissioner, Dr. Ashwin Vasan, announced Tuesday morning. “As a city, we have the tools to blunt the impact of this wave, including distributing tests, masks and promoting treatments.”



  1. Really! WOW! Remember, as many have posted, the CDC is a privately owned corporation PROFITING AND THRIVING on deadly viruses. Every jab fills their pockets.

  2. I personally know seven people who have gotten sick from COVID in the past seven weeks.

    The pandemic is anything but over.

    • What did they have? Runny nose? Diarrhea? Headache? Let’s hear. Whatever COVID they had, it’s not a new sickness but has been around for decades or centuries – unless they were vaxed.

      The plandemic never even started. I’ve yet to hear of anyone who had this fake virus if they didn’t take the lethal vax.

    • “Seven people who have gotten sick from COVID”
      הקנאה והתאוה *והכבוד* מוציאין את האדם מן העולם

  3. Got sick and???
    I know tens of people that have colds (they haven’t tested, they’re normal) and they’re all fine!!

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