Behind Last Week’s Rescue of Three Hostage’s Bodies In Gaza

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The IDF has released details about the operation to recover the bodies of the hostages Hanan Yablonka, Michel Nisenbaum and Orion Hernandez, Yehi Zichronam Livracha.

The bodies were recovered on Thursday night in an operation in Jabaliya, in northern Gaza, and returned to Israel by the IDF and the ISA. According to verified intelligence, the three hostages were murdered during the October 7th Massacre and were taken by Hamas Terrorists from the Mefalsim intersection into the Gaza Strip.

As part of the ongoing operations of the 98th Division in the Jabaliya area, soldiers of the 75th Battalion eliminated a terrorist who was appeared to be operating as a spotter over the area where the bodies of the hostages were being held. The soldiers then raided the area and located the site of the bodies.

Shortly afterwards, special forces of the Yahalom Unit, the ISA and soldiers from a special unit in the Intelligence Directorate (J2) arrived in the area, located the bodies of the three hostages and rescued them in a complex nighttime operation.

The operation relied on intelligence obtained and analyzed over the last few days by the division’s intelligence array, the ISA and the Abducted and Missing Persons Headquarters in the Intelligence Directorate (J2). The operations to rescue the bodies are part of a campaign planned and conducted both above and below ground under the leadership of the 98th Division in Jabaliya.

the Hostage Task Force Headquarters in the Intelligence Directorate (J2) is conducting the ongoing research effort, side by side with the ISA and other IDF units. The effort lasted several months and included gathering intelligence and analyzing intelligence indications to put together the overall assessment. Intelligence headquarters were in continuous and close communication with the forces on the ground and directed them to the exact location that the intelligence and analysis suggested.



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