Bennett: Tanach is the Foundation of Our Existence

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Israeli Prime Minister Naftali Bennett, together with Deputy Religious Services Minister Matan Kahana, hosted a meeting of the traditional Tanach Circle at Ben-Gurion House in Tel Aviv on Tuesday evening.

Prime Minister Bennett said at the start of the circle meeting, “It is indeed a great honor to continue the marvelous tradition of the Tanach Circle. The Tanach is the foundation of our existence. The relevance of the Tanach is unending. Every Shabbat I teach my children various sections of the Tanach, and every time we go over the same section we discover new angles, as a child, as a young person, as a soldier, as an adult, as a parent, as a minister and as Prime Minister. I always learn new angles on the same section every time,” the Prime Minister said.

{ Israel}


    • I hear you. The naysayers have told me the same as well. If you want good shidduchim for your children, you must keep your sefira beard on. Si paas nisht to shave. Unfortunately my life is controlled by the naysayers so I’ll have to listen. White shirt and chalav yisroel are also musts.

  1. So he didn’t mention Torah shebaal peh
    Just pointing that out .
    Seams he just like old books maybe Aristotle
    Would interest him?
    A jew who does a aveirah is a jew just the same
    But not believing in the 13 iekarim of the rambam zal make one a koifer

  2. If this is true, then let me ask you, why is he and his team have such hatred for the Charadim ? Who is this guy and who areLieberman and Lapid ? What he quotes and what he does, leaves ones mind not short of an “appecoras”. For his sake he would leave them alone. He can’t win them. G-D is on the Charadim’s side and has loads of patience. If his team continue in robbing the Charadim of their entitlements, he and his team will suffer for the hatred of what TORAH brings. A salvation. So why wait for for spite government. Sort yourself out now. Very few people back you and even fewer support you.

  3. If Tanach is the Foundation of Our Existence, why are you embarrassed of your Judaism and hide your head-covering, don’t mention G-d’s name, allow desecration of Shabbos in the Jewish land, sell pork in the Jewish land, allow women to serve in the army – ALL THESE ARE ALSO IN TANACH. HAVE YOU FORGOTTEN?

  4. How can Bennett say that Tanach is the foundation of our existence if the entire government and judicial system go against it?

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