Biden Asks Black CBS Host: Are You A Cocaine ‘Junkie’?

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Joe Biden is pushing back at Republican assertions that he should take a cognitive test to disprove President Donald Trump’s claim that the Democrat isn’t fit for the Oval Office.

Biden grew testy when CBS News correspondent Errol Barnett asked the presumptive Democratic presidential nominee about the matter in a recent interview.

“No, I haven’t taken a test? Why the hell would I take a test?” Biden said.

He then told Barnett: “That’s like saying … before you got on this program, you’re taking a test whether you’re taking cocaine or not. What do you think? Huh? Are you a junkie?”

Read more at NEWSMAX.



    • because we root for Trump. He has done some good things for us. He set free Shalom Rubashkin. Trump is a good man. Rabbi Shmuel Kaminetzky also endorsed him. Isn’t this enough?

    • Real answer? because Trump is who I want as president.

      I actually didnt vote for him first time around, neither did I vote for hillary. I too couldnt come to terms with his immature and quite frankly, loony disposition.

      Yet at this point its plain to see. all his nutty-ness notwithstanding, he’s done a decent job. While Biden has cozied up to the likes of Pelosi, Schumer, Nadler, AOC and their il(l)k.

  1. We can’t have a President that looses his cool so fast. He was asked a simple question and he couldn’t answer it like a mensch without getting all excited? He could’ve responded by saying, that’s not appropriate, let’s move on. How is he going to respond if a different world leader from a country not friendly towards us asks him a tough question?

    • He thought that’s how presidents are supposed to respond. He’s been seeing the president loose his cool to simple questions on TV every night for the last four years.

  2. Where is the cancel culture now?? Imagine any republican white guy saying that to a black reporter the outrage that would have followed

  3. Fake news. He didnt call him a junkie. It was a mashal. I’m fed up with everyone blowing up over every little thing.

  4. Democrats are big on calling cocaine its due regard to block matters. They sniff up fame otherwise. The dust is regarded vulture energy.

    Hot attack of the dry day. Sniff mugging.

  5. To Effi:
    Very good! Right to the point!
    I’ve been asking this question since noon time, 2017, when Trump crossed the threshold of the Oval Office.

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