Biden Disses Trump Unemployment Numbers in Labor Day Union Speech

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President Joe Biden ridiculed the Trump presidency at a Labor Day event in Philadelphia on Monday, comparing Trump unemployment rates to those of the Great Depression.

“The guy who held this job before me was just one of two presidents in history…who left office with fewer jobs in America than when he got elected to office,” Biden told a crowd of union workers, comparing former President Donald Trump—without ever mentioning him directly by name—to the failed leadership of Herbert Hoover during the economic crisis in the early 20th century.

Biden insinuated that Trump was tone deaf and could not relate to laborers, while he, alternatively, understood blue-collar workers. “When the last guy was here, he looked at the world from Park Ave,” Biden told the crowd. “I look at it from Scranton, Pennsylvania; I look at it from Claymont, Delaware.” Biden also took jabs at Trump’s inability to further infrastructure as president, despite his claim to fame as a real estate developer. Read more.


  1. mr biden – people who live in glass houses shouldn’t throw stones – PRESIDENT TRUMP DID MORE FOR AMERICANS THAN YOU DID IN ALL YOUR YEARS IN CONGRESS, AS VP AND AS COMMANDER-IN-CHIEF

  2. Why would you feel the need to attack a previous administration that was an abject failure?

    That’s right because it wasn’t. yours is and your somehow trying to project yours as better than his.


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