Biden Doubts Congress Will Be Able to Pass Abortion-Rights Laws

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As control of the U.S. House remains slightly titled in Republicans’ favor but still up for the taking, President Joe Biden said he doesn’t believe Congress will pass any laws codifying Roe v. Wade unless “something unusual happens” that would allow Democrats to retain control. “I think we’re going to get very close in the House,” he said at a press conference in Bali after a meeting with Chinese President Xi Jinping. “But I don’t think we’re going to make it.”

While Democrats have retained a razor-thin majority in the Senate, any abortion rights bill would need 60 votes to pass there, which would have to include around 10 from Republicans. Read more at NBC News.


  1. Why should the current, lame-duck, crop of 538 imbeciles representing their self-interests be counted on to pass any significant legislation? They’ve had, in various incarnations, since 1972, to legislate; and they’ve failed miserably.


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