Biden Says China Still Withholding ‘Critical’ Info On COVID-19 Origins

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United States President Joe Biden said on Friday that China was withholding “critical information” on the origins of COVID-19 after the US intelligence community said that it did not believe the virus was a bioweapon — but remained split on whether it escaped from a lab.

The US, however, does not believe Chinese officials had foreknowledge of the virus before the initial outbreak of the pandemic that has now claimed 4.5 million lives, according to the unclassified summary of an eagerly awaited intelligence report.

“Critical information about the origins of this pandemic exists in the People’s Republic of China, yet from the beginning, government officials in China have worked to prevent international investigators and members of the global public health community from accessing it,” Biden said in a statement.

“To this day, the PRC continues to reject calls for transparency and withhold information, even as the toll of this pandemic continues to rise.”

US intelligence has ruled out that the coronavirus was developed as a weapon, and most agencies assess with “low confidence” it was not genetically engineered.

Read more at Times of Israel.



  1. Joe, china has you over a barrel. It’s all a charade to make it look like this regime is looking for the origin They know what it is.

  2. When Trump announced a travel ban on China, Biden called him xenophobic, so I would appreciate it if Joe would refrain from engaging in xenophobic rhetoric and would stop criticizing the Chinese government. As a free and Democratically elected autocracy, it is well within the Chinese government’s rights to withhold critical info about the virus. What’s next? Are they going to criticize Chow mein?


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