Home News Breaking News Biden To AIPAC: ‘I Support Israel And A Palestinian State’

Biden To AIPAC: ‘I Support Israel And A Palestinian State’

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Democratic presidential candidate Joe Biden spoke to attendees of the annual AIPAC Policy Conference in a video address on Sunday, stating that he will always support Israel, but that he also believes in a two-state solution for the Palestinians.

Biden said that while he couldn’t make the conference because of the ongoing Democratic presidential primary, he had decided to send a video message because AIPAC’s “voice matters to me.” He also pledged to combat anti-Semitism, and said he never participates in or supports boycotts of Israel.

“I will always call out anti-Semitism, whether it comes from the left, right or center,” he said, adding that every generation has to fight for America’s values to ensure that the country doesn’t give in to hate.

The former vice president also said he will always recognize Israel’s right to exist as a Jewish state.

He urged Gaza-based terrorist groups Hamas and Palestinian Islamic Jihad to end their constant rocket attacks against Israel, and called on the Palestinian Authority to cease inciting terrorist attacks against Israelis.

However, he also advocated for a two-state solution with the Palestinians, receiving huge applause from attendees for making the statement.

“You don’t have to be anti-Palestinian to be pro-Israel,” said Biden, calling the situation in the Palestinian territories a “humanitarian crisis.” Citing “Palestinian dignity,” he also stated that Israeli annexation of settlements is an obstacle to Israeli-Palestinian peace deal.

Biden called for unity among both Republicans and Democrats, concluding his address by saying, “There is nothing we cannot achieve when Israel and the United States stand together.”

This article first appeared in the Jewish Journal.




    • You don’t really believe that do you?

      Do you really think that there are no circumstances to support a non Jewish state in the land of Israel?

  1. Biden, like many (most?) outsider politicians, is spouting platitudes and trying to play the centrist without actually knowing the history of the Middle East or understanding the Arab mindset.

    Start with these two simple facts:
    1) Most Israelis, including the majority of those considered “right wing” would make major concessions in exchange for a real peace.
    2) There is nothing – NOTHING – short of the eradication of the entire state of Israel that would satisfy the Palestinians, whether they call themselves Hamas, the P.A. or any other group. Even the offer of dividing Yerushalayim and giving them Har HaBayis was blown off without so much as a counteroffer.

  2. I don’t get why people here are so upset at what he said

    I consider my self very right wing and I still agree with him in theory.

    If the Palestinian wanted the parts of Israel where they are the overwhelming majority for their own state but in return there would be peace what is the logic of objecting?

    I don’t the Palestinians want peace under such terms so I don’t support such proposals but what is the issue in theory?


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