Biden’s 11-Point Approval Drop Most Of Any President Since WWII

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President Joe Biden’s plummet in the polls is the worst of any president since World War II, according to the Gallup polling organization.

Biden dropped from a 56% approval rating at the beginning of the year to 44.7% in the third quarter of 2021, the organization said.

The drop was in line with those of his Democratic predecessors Barack Obama, who dropped 10 points, Bill Clinton, who dropped almost 7 points, and Jimmy Carter, who dropped almost 9 points during similar periods in their respective administrations.

Only Democratic President John F. Kennedy had a higher rating in his third quarter, rising from 74.3% to 76.8%, according to Gallup.

Republicans Dwight Eisenhower, Richard Nixon and Ronald Reagan saw drops of 2.2 points, 1.9 points, and 3.2 points respectively during their tenures.

Aside from Kennedy, only Republicans George H.W. Bush and his son George W. Bush saw increases in their approval rating, with the elder Bush picking up 12 points following the fall of the Soviet Union in 1989, and his son gaining 13 points following the Sept. 11, 2001, terrorist attacks.

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  1. Strange, cuz aside from BaaaRaak he’s certainly the best president ever! Oh, Jimmy Cahtuh was also great! No? Ask the Ayatola!

  2. Since WWII did the US ever have a fake person, an actor, as POTUS? This guy on the picture above doesn’t even look like the real Biden.
    The same sheeple who believe in the Corona nonsense, believe that this fake person is Biden.


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