Botei Din Discuss Flawed Kesubah

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A beis din of the Edah Hachareidis in Yerushalayim and a Bnei Brak beis din led by Rav Shmuel Eliezer Stern discussed the kashrus of hundreds of kesubos sold by a seforim store network, which lacked the word ve’ezun (I will feed) and seemingly freed the husband from the obligation to sustain his wife.

Rav Stern concluded: “I wrote at length about this elsewhere, and since the Nachalas Shivah explicitly writes that the kesubah is possul, in such a case… it is clear it needs to be changed.”

The Edah Hachareidis ruled similarly that it was necessary “to draw up a new kesubah.

{ Israel}


  1. In discussing kesuba, it would be most worthwhile to note that a kesuba is a binding contract. Details of this contract should be reviewed by all who officiate at weddings with the soon to be married couple. The husband must comprehend and agree to fulfill all he is obligating himself to.

    Also, the couple must understand that they are marrying k’das Moshe v’yisroel. If there is a divorce r’l the divorce likewise must be k’das Moshe v’yisroel . The use of the secular court is strictly forbidden by the Torah Hkdosha and if used r’l can effect the validity of the Get keeping the woman an aishes ish.Should she further be porek ol r’l and have a child from another man, the child at best would be a safek mamzer.

    • Please quote one tshuva on the subject. Going to court is assur. But what bearing does that have on the validity of a get unless some condition was placed on the get( which should never be done)?

  2. [email protected], If the husband gives aget and subsequently the woman goes to court over issues with child custody, you say the woman may be a safek aishet ish. Name me one real posek who will agree with you publicly. You are being motzei laz on many, many people. i doubt you can find them all to ask mechillah before the yomim noraim. start immediately.

  3. Doctor Yedid,

    I was clear in my comment “if used r’l can effect the validity of the Get” please note the word “can”. There may be instances where after sending three hazmonos to Bais Din that go ignored, the three judges will issue a written signed heter arkois.

    While I am empathetic to the plight of those whose spouses act in a manner antithesis to the ways of the Torah, I needn’t apologize for
    stating halachahic truisms.

    I am in possession of an entire kuntres by Rabbi Menashe Klein zt’l regarding this topic and would be happy to share it with you or any reader. Any interested individual can send me an email at [email protected]

    Wishing you menuchas h’nefesh and a kesiva vchasima tova.

  4. The חיוב מדאורייתא of והגדת לבנך and of ושננתם לבניך is infinitely more obligatory & incumbent on the Father than any גט, hence any woman whoever withholds visitation A.K.A. parenting time to the father so absolutely does not ever deserve a גט and only has herself to blame for this.

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