NO GO: Bereishit Fails To Land On The Moon

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Bereishit appears to have landed crashed on the Moon, failing to achieve Israel’s goal of being just the fourth country to land on the Moon.

Israel “likely won’t be the fourth country in the world” to land, the crowd was told. “We are on the moon, but not in the way we wanted. But we will check again.”

The spacecraft’s engine failed during landing and the crew team lost communication with the rocket. Though the team was able to regain communications and recover from the engine failure, it was not in time to save the spacecraft from crashing.

“If at first you don’t succeed, try again,” said Prime Minister Bibi Netanyahu.


  1. Tiny act of dumb idiots. Giant imbecile plan.

    Good frankly good. Hashem probably did not make it so.

    Crash grade humor. Dumb jews.

    Yep and Kosher won’t even say hi.


  2. It is casual today to think of the unorthodox. They fail to consider the respect of kosher and want any science or great world achievement. The ChabaD endorsed this project and a rabbi gave it a ‘holy’ blessing.

    What we have is a Moon Crash. It wonders me if we will just discuss the plans of the unorthodox as what leads to one. Maybe they will try again. But just think of the rancid who hate Israel. A laugh today for their conspiracy.

    Do not Moon Crash. Keep kosher. It has a priority. A derech is designed. What you send up is respectable to Hashem. Not trash to put down on the holy moon to send a message to the world that the jews are keen too on gold and good working hard science. Maybe our Torah is higher.

    Joke of the day. What is a daring way to celebrate Sabbath with the Chabad? NASA ordination.

    Good job.

    • some comments are identical to antisemitic comments.
      very sad.
      sad to see yiden express themselves to someone not from your community,
      what you would see a non jew express himself about a yid.

      so if a lubavitcher was someone that worked on the project therefore what?

      take the word lubavitcher out and write jew
      you will see how it sounds like.

      • What do you see? A token space mission. Cute gay idea to put dumped child items on the moon. A photograph? A cyber tanakh?

        Tons of spending. Wrong teaching for the children.

        Israel is required its Torah interest. That is all of our job. The rest of all human history is only about how jews free turning ages to peace. We expect a Temple not a bargain for space exploration self lead.

        Lubavitch gave this a blessing and fights to. Space bagels are not necessary. Too much catering and the heavens are blind.

        No blast off. Transgression.

  3. This was all done in a 2nd rate studio using silver foil and some cheap metal. More fake news to fool the gullible amongst us.

    • Bomb kasha.
      Basically, the negativity started when the whole vaccinations debate broke out. The pro vaxxers have said all kinds of bad, hurtful, incitful names and anoas devorim about those who choose not to vaccinate. It has since spiralled out of control and now every article can be turned negative with one side bad mouthing the other. Matzav has only fueled the fire, leading to even more sinas chinum.

  4. All shuttle that went to other planets WHENEVER THEY HAD YIDDEN ON THEM always blew up. Remember shuttle Columbia? Had a Jewish lady on it. Many others also blew up cause they had yidden on it.

    Message is Hashem put us down here in EARTH. don’t try conquering other planets that Hashem made for other kinds of species and animals etc… Not made for humans.

    Only other place for yidden to go is the olam Haemes-the world above-and this world below of earth is just a pathway to the true world above us (pirkei avos)

  5. Bomb kasha.
    Basically, the negativity started when the whole vaccinations debate broke out. The pro vaxxers have said all kinds of bad, hurtful, incitful names and anoas devorim about those who choose not to vaccinate. It has since spiralled out of control and now every article can be turned negative with one side bad mouthing the other. Matzav has only fueled the fire, leading to even more sinas chinum.

  6. Pity it didn’t work, but G-d can move in strange ways. I’m not Jewish, but I congratulate you on having got this close. Great achievement and I hope you go on to greater things. There’s an obvious joke about breaking a perfectly good spacecraft and shouting “Mazal Tov!” so I’m not going to make it.

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