British Lawmaker Accuses Israel Of Killing Palestinian Children

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A Conservative member of the United Kingdom parliament on Tuesday accused Israel of killing Palestinian children in military operations this year.

Paul Bristow, Tory representative for Peterborough, made the comments to the House of Commons during a foreign questions session.

“In 2023 dozens of Palestinian children have been killed in Israeli military operations,” Bristow said in an address to U.K. Foreign Minister David Rutley.

“We should never become immune to those deaths, and the tragedy of those deaths,” Bristow continued. “Will the minister agree with me, and urge the Israeli government to show compassion and restraint and urge all sides to put respect for human life first?”

The National Jewish Assembly issued a statement objecting to Bristow’s remarks about Israel.

“Conservative MP Paul Bristow’s comments are highly misleading and give the erroneous impression that the Israeli army is deliberately targeting so-called children. The truth is that the young people who have died are members of Palestinian terrorist factions, who carry weapons with the intention of killing Israelis. While all deaths are tragic, these are happening in the context of self-defense,” said National Jewish Assembly chairman Gary Mond.

“It is essential to note that the so-called ‘children’ mentioned by Mr. Bristow are, by and large, teenagers who are fully-fledged members of Palestinian terrorist organizations. Israel, like any sovereign state, has the right and responsibility to protect its citizens from terrorist militants and maintain security in the face of ongoing threats,” he added.

In its statement, the NJA also criticized a series of remarks about Israel made by Rutley during Tuesday’s exchange in the House of Commons.

“The NJA urges MPs and public figures to engage in informed and responsible discussions, rather than to perpetuate false narratives. Accusing Israel without proper evidence and disregarding the complexity of the Israeli-Palestinian conflict undermines the prospects for meaningful dialogue and a just resolution.” JNS


  1. Drunk bigot.

    The rage against real problems where children are killed is not heard. Nigeria? Congo regions?

    They go to town to fry the world when jews are in a state of improvement because the priest Israel has a powerful body of Torah observance.

    This really is a growing growth of Israel and it makes the drunk bigots fear for their stupor.

    • These Whited actually deny killing Jews in Israel or Blacks in Africa. They aren’t ashamed for enslaving humanity but think that Israel is bad for defending itself against those that murder Jewish children.

  2. This is the same part of the world where the first Blood Libel came from.

    Our enemies haven’t changed over time.

    There’s nothing new under the sun.

  3. He seems to be immune about the children dying in Ukraine!
    The UK has killed more children during world war II then Israel will ever kill in all its wars! The man is either stupid or is a old-fashioned Jew hater!
    Who attacked who in 1967?
    Three Arab Nations joined together to kill Jewish children!
    The UK said Israel has the right to settle both sides of the Jordan River! We might say the guy is ignorant enough to be duped by NOT-SEE PROPAGANDA!

  4. Arabs are so sweet! We’ll fly planes into buildings killing thousands! We’ll shoot up shopping malls restaurants pizza shops kill anything and everything for the sake of peace but we don’t kill innocent children!

  5. Why not go on a rant why Palestinians store rockets and weapons in schools and kindergartens? Why does he not bring to light that Palestinian mother’s encourage the young children to become martyrs?

    This has nothing to do with is real killing children, it has all to do just about Israel.

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