BUMBLING BIDEN: “The Typical American Family Has More Money In Their Pockets Than They Did Last Year”

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  1. Sounds great, assuming this lie is true, how much did America borrow from the average American family and hand people money. Add that cost to what they have now (100 per month per family) and did the average American family gain from that spending. I don’t know the numbers but I’m sure it was a net loss.

  2. all I can say is that every millionaire I know got many more millions over covid thanks to huge government spending like ppp and the employee retention credit… their idea is give millions to the rich and a few hundred to the poor so they’ll stay quiet

  3. They might have more money in their pockets than they did last year, but the purchasing power of that money is, of course, much lower than it was last year.

    So, on balance, consumers are worse off this year than last. But, of course, everyone knows that.

  4. I have more money in my pockets than I did last year, but that is only because I successfully robbed a few banks this year. I couldn’t get anybody to open the vaults for me, so I ran off with the paintings on the wall, and sold it to a different bank which was opening a new branch and needed to furnish the place.
    So I’m doing okay, but let’s not get carried away! The economy is not doing well, and you can take that to the bank!

  5. No, we don’t.
    Those who are well-to-do have more cash because they spent less on luxuries, but that’s only the top 10% – 20% of Americans. Most of us paycheck-to-paycheckers have been clobbered by massive increases in necessities such as food and fuel, and our financial situations are significantly worse than a year ago.

  6. The Bidens have more money in their pockets. Being in political office somehow makes people wealthy. It doesn’t come from their salary. Biden family members have more money, Hunter for example. Who knew this crackup, with a history of sexual antics, somehow his paintings are worth more than a Picasso. He had such hidden talent for years, which only became known when hid daddy became president. I’m not even talking about the money he and Joe made with deals with China and the Ukraine, while Joe was vp. Yes some people, the Bidens have more money.

    • Merrick Garland is perhaps the worst Attorney General in our Nation’s history. He is a personal servant of the Biden crime family and was told to never investigate or expose their crimes. The complicit media is more than happy to cover up any and all misdeeds, past and present. The corruption stinks.


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