BUMBLING BILL: De Blasio Says He No Longer Supports AIPAC

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Former New York City Mayor Bill de Blasio has come out forcefully against AIPAC and said he no longer supports the pro-Israel lobbying group because of its opposition to a friend and fellow progressive Democrat, Nina Turner, in a Cleveland-area House primary last month, JewishInside.com reports.

“They have changed in a way that is unacceptable to me because they have attacked people I believe in,” de Blasio, who is now running for an open seat in New York’s redrawn 10th Congressional District, said during a virtual candidate forum hosted by Our Revolution and the New York Progressive Action Network.

The attacks against Turner from a new AIPAC-affiliated super PAC, United Democracy Project, were “horribly unjustified” and “deprived our nation of someone who could have been a huge difference-maker in terms of our progressive movement,” de Blasio argued.

JewishInsider points out that the ex-mayor’s remarks were a sharp turn away from previous instances in which he has defended AIPAC, made public appearances at AIPAC events and spoken at its policy conference. De Blasio has long identified as a staunch supporter of Israel and has maintained close ties to Jewish community members in New York City throughout his decades-long career in politics.



  1. Glad to see that our esteemed former mayor got the memo that all good lefties with congressional aspirations must tick off the box next to “Hates Israel”. He isn’t fully there yet, but his swipe at AIPAC is a telling first step. Jamaal Bowman took a similar journey from Israel-supporter to Israel-basher and is now firmly in lockstep with the Israel-hating, antisemitic “Squad”.

  2. Actions speak louder than words! His actions are inconsistent with his words. He is no longer – if he ever was is also debatable – a friend of the Jews. Although, to his credit, one of his first actions as mayor of NYC, was to legitimize Bris and to ease the regulations that had just begun to be enforced.

  3. Ask me if I care what this duffus says or does? He’s a nobody nothing. He couldn’t even garner 50% of the voters when he first ran for Mayor. It’s only because the white democrat establishment threatened the black Bill Thompson to drop out, that DeBlasio crawled his way into Gracie Mansion.

  4. I didn’t realize that he actually is smart.
    This way he gets the liberals on board and he knows that he has to give the askonim a few dollars and they will lick it clean and claim חוב קדוש to vote Deblasio.
    Shame on them.

  5. Yet, so many fin inzereh tipshim will vote for him. The simple answer is they have no brains in their heads. It takes no brains to vote leftist.

  6. I don’t care about all these coronavirused people whom the media is bringing up to fool the sheeple while they are not around anymore b”H.

  7. DeBlasio has no chance in Borough Park, Our community is standing behind the candidate that 100% Supports Yeshivas/Israel/Police.

    in this case, it’s Congressional Jewish candidate NY-D10 Brian Robinson.

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