Buried in Trash? Lakewood Residents Have Several Options

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lakewood-sanitationEven though Lakewood Township offices are closed Friday, December 31, the Lakewood Township Committee has made arrangements with the Lakewood Public Works Department to help residents get rid of their trash.

1. First of all, anyone who normally has trash collection on Friday should put out the trash tomorrow, Thursday, December 30 for pickup.

2. Residents can also bring their trash to the Municipal lot in the Lakewood Public Works complex, Cedar Bridge and New Hampshire Avenue, on both Thursday, December 30 and Friday, December 31 from 7:00 to 11.30 a.m. and from noon to 3:00 p.m.

3. Everybody who has trash pickup on Monday, January 3; Tuesday, January 4; or Thursday, January 6, who may have missed recent trash collections, will have a double trash collection if they care to put out their trash out twice in one day.

Residents should put out their trash on the morning of their normally scheduled day. The trash will be collected on that day. Then, if they can refill their trash cans by 2:30 p.m., a second trash pickup will take place later the same day or early the next morning.

If you do not require a second pickup, please bring in your empty trash cans as soon as possible to avoid having the truck stop to pick up empty cans.

{Matzav.com Newscenter}



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