California Judge Accused of Repeatedly Calling Public Defender ‘Jew Boy’

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The California’s Commission on Judicial Performance is investigating Gregory Kreis, a judge on the Humboldt County Superior Court in Eureka, Calif., for Jew-hatred, among other charges.

The judge, who is up for reelection, is alleged to have repeatedly called a public defender “Jew boy,” among 18 other counts in the complaint, including harrassment.

At a 2019 event, during which the judge “appeared to be intoxicated,” he told Rory Kalin, then a deputy public defender, that “he looked Jewish, called him ‘Jewboy’ to his face, in front of his wife, and laughed or smiled each time you made the remark,” per the complaint.

Also in Kalin’s presence, the judge allegedly “said to Stefanie Kalin, ‘I don’t even know why you’re married to this Jewboy,’ or words to that effect,” the complaint adds. The judge is also accused of pushing Rory Kalin, who was fully dressed, into the water from on a boat.

The complaint alleges that the judge also used the term “Jew boy” at least once in 2016.

Three days after the event on the boat, the public defender appeared before the judge in court in 10 cases, and the judge didn’t disclose their social interaction.

The judge has called the allegations “outright lies.” He has also claimed that witnesses on the boat saw no antisemitism. JNS


  1. But he’s not president so he could get away with it. Imagine if Donald Trump would have said that: all the real anti-semites would have risen from their hibernation status. This bigot is a justice so he’s got free speech protection.

  2. You would think there would be video evidence, audio evidence, but none is ever shown. This is all a lie never happened all imaginary nonsense in order to create the suspicion that there is some anti-Semitism that’s going on. It’s a bunch of baloney. America is great and you should be proud to be here.

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