Can A Yorei Shamayim Eat Jelly Donuts On The Run?

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jelly-donutThe Shulchan Aruch (Orach Chaim 168:13) writes that the halacha is like the opinion that hamotzie only applies to baked products, but he brings a second opinion of Rabbeinu Tam who holds that anything that is a thick dough and not a thin batter is hamotzie even if it is boiled or fried. The Shulchan Aruch concludes that one who is a yorei Shomayim will satisfy both opinions by only eating it during a meal.

Our doughnuts are even more problematic, however, since they are eaten as a desert and would not be included in the hamotzie. It would not even help to make hamotzie first. Therefore, other more creative solutions are required. Anyone G-d fearing should only eat sufganiyot as part of a bread meal, and should either make a bracha of mezonos on something else before he washes with explicit intention to exempt the doughnut, or at the end of the meal before eating the sufganiya he should make a mezonos on something that certainly requires a bracha during a meal such as Bisli.

While this is only a chumrah, it is one endorsed by the Shulchan Aruch.

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  1. Even if it is a desert you still have to make
    Hamotzie according to R’Tam. Its like eating Bread for desert (If you did not wash for the rest of the meal – you have to wash now…)

  2. The Psak in the article is completely wrong. Doughnuts are Pas Haba Bkisnin and Minei Metika that no one is Koveah Seuda on, they are only snacks and dessert and the Bracha is only Mezonos. Who am I to pasken and argue on the article? I am no better or worse than the writer of the article, because no one knows who I am. Really, if Matzav wants to publish Halacha articles, please only publish from prominent Poskim, Rav Elyashiv, Rav Belsky, etc.
    Since this is an unbiased newspaper, with controversial Halacha questions, why not publish two (or more articles) stating the various positions?

  3. I recently was told the reason why safguniyot are associated with Chanukah when any fried food would work (chicken nuggets l’kovod Chanukah!) is directly because it’s a mezonos and would require an Al Hamichye afterwards. Al Hamichye contains the words “V’Al Mizbechecha V’Al Heichalecha” that you don’t find anywhere in bentching. The chanukas Hamizbeach by the chashmonoyim is one of the main events of chanukah.

    This is why normally safguniyot are not made all year but only after sukkos and especially for Chanukah.

  4. “5. Comment from sg
    Time December 16, 2009 at 11:29 AM

    The Psak in the article is completely wrong.”

    Ask your rav before you comment!

  5. Dear Matzav,
    Please leave halacha to the bais medrash. Keep to the news and advertising, let the poskim decide halacha, and let them decide how and when to be mefarsim the pesakim.

  6. #5, It is not Pas haba bkisnin, since it is not baked, but rather deep fried, which is considered cooking. The Shulchan Aruch in OC 168 at the end of the Siman mentions this food as ‘sufganin’. The article is merely translating what the shulchan aruch says.

  7. Maybe the dounuts fall under the assur of
    ushemartem es nafshisaychem?
    There is more saturated fat in a single jelly donut than a stack of latkes.

  8. Chaim,

    It has nothing to be with being “gender neutral.” It has to do with the original headline which read “Can A Yiras Shamayim…” She was merely pointing out the grammatical error, which has since been corrected.

    The Wolf

  9. to comment #9. First: I am a rav! Second: Indeed I asked a prominent Posek and he concurred it is Mezonos and noted that it is possible that washing first and making Hamozie on a real piece of bread could make the situation more complex! Like I noted before and several other commentaries noted, Matzav should shy away from Halacha L’Maaseh.

  10. Make mine latkes, doughnuts are for overweight and underworked policemen….nobody in my family ever ate a jelly doughnut on Chanukah in Russia, I asked…

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