CAN’T MAKE THIS UP: Peleg Yerushalmi’s Yeshivos Still Getting Government Funding

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Although the Israeli yeshivos that belong to the community of Peleg Yerushalmi – the Yerushalayim Faction group – have been actively protesting the Draft Law and have avoided appearing for deferments at the IDF’s intake center, they are still receiving government funding, according to sources.

This shocking revelation comes at the same time that other yeshivos across Eretz Yisroel have had their funding revoked due to the high court’s annulment of the draft law.

The reason for this is due to a unique component of the current legislation. The law specifies that funding will be halted for those deferring IDF service, following the court’s decision that the deferment law is unconstitutional and creates an unfair burden on the broader population.

However, the sources explain that the law does not address those who, like the followers of Peleg Yerushalmi, outright evade military service instead of deferring it. Consequently, their budgets remain unaffected because they are not covered by the law.

The Ministry of Education asserts that it lacks the authority to revoke funding and operates based on the IDF’s provided lists. These lists include only those who declared “Toraso Umnaso” and obtained deferments.

Those who neither applied for deferments nor reported to the bases, like Peleg Yerushalmi, are absent from these lists and thus – shockingly – continue to receive government stipends.

{ Israel}


  1. According to webster the meaning of shocking (used in this article) is “extremely startling, distressing, or offensive”.
    About what is the author distressed or offended?

  2. According to webster the meaning of shocking (used in this article) is “extremely startling, distressing, or offensive”.
    About what is the author distressed or offended?

  3. I thought they are taharas HaKodesh and don’t take money anyway from the government? If all the Yeshivas had done that from the beginning, rather than receiving a pittance from the government, the government would not have been able to pull these stunts.

    • What you’re saying is true but that’s precisely the reason the government is like forcing them to take money from them with a deal that they not meddle in their affairs. Otherwise, PELEG WILL WAKE UP THE SLEEPERS and that’s what the government is afraid of.


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