The Untold Bedtime Story by Bonei Olam

Once upon a time I had a dream. I dreamt I would be sitting on this bed next to a sweet little boy or...

Jewish, Latino Leaders Fight Bigotry, Plan Community Seder With “Immigration Theme”

The Associated Press reports: When six teenagers allegedly beat a Guatemalan immigrant into a coma last July in a Boston suburb, a Jewish and...

Agudath Israel: NYS Budget a “Mixed Bag”

Included in the new New York State budget for the coming fiscal year, finalized over the weekend in Albany, were a number of provisions...

Agudah, CRC Praise NYC Board of Health Vote Rescinding Regulation of Metzitzah B’Peh

Agudas Yisroel of America and the Central Rabbinic Congress released the following statement: Thank G-d for the outcome of today's vote. We are grateful to the...

Body Language Expert Warned of Terrorist Who Killed Rav Yeshayahu Krishevsky Hy”d

Dr. Amir Helmer is a body language expert and coach. After the brutal Har Nof massacre last year, a cousin of the two cruel...

Gilad Shalit Celebrates Seven Years Of Freedom From Hamas Captivity

Gilad Shalit celebrated his seven year anniversary of his release from Hamas captivity by supporting children with disabilities at the Shalva Israel Gala Dinner...

Report: Sullivan County Planning as If Camps Will Open reports: During the summer months each year, the population of Sullivan County triples as part-time residents come up to the Catskills. Hundreds of...

TERROR IN ISRAEL: Father and Son Killed in Huwara Terror Shooting

A Palestinian terrorist shot and killed two Israelis on Saturday in Huwara, located just outside Nablus (Shechem) in Samaria. Magen David Adom emergency medical personnel...

Met Creates Special Website to Defend Klinghoffer #TerrorOpera

By D. Avel The Metropolitan Opera in New York City has doubled-down on its decision to produce the anti-Semitic The Death of Klinghoffer by setting...

Report: Rabbi’s Refusal to Testify Could Send Him Back to Jail

Victoria Kim of the Los Angeles Times reports: Two years ago, Rabbi Moshe Zigelman went to prison rather than testify against fellow Jews in...

Jewish Museum In Portugal’s Oldest Shul Reopens

A museum inside Portugal’s oldest Shul reopened on Tuesday following a two-year renovation. The Interpretive Center of Tomar Synagogue and Abraão Zacuto Luso-Hebraic Museum in...

Behind the Scenes At Agra D’Pirka’s Decade Dinner – TONIGHT!

It’s way past normal working hours but the crew at Agra d’Pirka headquarters are oblivious to the time.  For the past several weeks, as...

GRIDLOCK: 10-Vehicle Crash Jams Cedar Bridge Road Near Parkway In Lakewood

Lakewood police say a massive multi-vehicle crash is causing heavy delays on Cedar Bridge Road near the Garden State Parkway entrance this afternoon,

NY Mayor De Blasio’s Response to Vandalized Menorah: Light It Even Brighter

A menorah in Manhattan’s Carl Schurz Park was found vandalized—not once, but twice over the course of a few days. The more recent incident was...

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