Listen to Rabbi Feiner On a Commitment to Publicly say Nishmas When the Crisis...

Frustrated and bitter, Americans are turning to campaigns, protests and violent demonstrations in an attempt to ‘fix a broken system’. 10+ weeks into lockdown,...

Should Halacha Allow People to Carry Weapons in Shul?

By Rabbi Yair Hoffman, Five Towns Jewish Times The horrific tragedy in a Conservative synagogue in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania on Shabbos morning that left 11 people...

Son of Meron Disaster Victim Receives Upsherin in Emotional Event

Shimon Krauss received his upsherin on Lag Ba’omer in Meron in what was an emotional celebration. Shimon – who is named after Rav Shimon...

Gavriel and Tehilla Saved By Shabbos

For the past many months, the Shuvu school in Lod has undertaken a Shabbos initiative. Realizing that most of the students have little or no vestige...

25-Year-Old Greek Chief Rabbi Elect Thanks ‘Rabbi Google’ for Jewish Education

Greece's chief rabbi in waiting, Gabriel Negrin, said the Internet and books he ordered online were major contributors to his adolescent Jewish education. "Thank...

Fears of Violence in Mixed Areas as Jewish, Muslim Holidays May Collide in Once...

By D. Bender In the wake of a summer wracked by Arab-Jewish violence within Israel, in Gaza, and in the West Bank, security and local...

Rav Meir Tzvi Bergman: ‘No One Can Abandon The Torah’

Rav Meir Tzvi Bergman, the senior member of Degel Hatorah's Moetzes Gedolei Hatorah and Rosh Yeshivas Rashbi, tackled the issue of yeshiva student enlistment...

Vizhnitzer Rebbe of Bnei Brak Visits Cleveland

The wedding of a grandson of the Vizhnitzer Rebbe of Bnei Brak, Rav Yisroel Hager, and a daughter of Rav Shneur Zalman Danciger, Aleksander...

Rebbe Shares Nevuah Right Before His Recent Petirah

As per his minhag, Rav Yisroel Nissen Rosenblum ztz”l, the late Rebbe of Kretchinef would read Sefer Devarim in his home every Hoshana Raba....

Belief in Torah Min Ha-Shamayim: Damage Control by YCT: Subtly Defending the Indefensible

By Rabbi Avrohom Gordimer The beliefs of a rabbi are no small issue. They can impact the validity of geirus, gittin and kiddushin...

What Aleph’s Slogan Meant to a Man Imprisoned in Cambodia

The Aleph Institute, founded at the express direction of  the Lubavitcher Rebbe in 5741/1981, is family to thousands of men and women who are...

Meron Supervisor: ‘If Buses Get Stopped On The Way, It’s Because People Did Not...

Meron Superintendent Zviki Tessler briefed reporters last night, discussing the wide-ranging preparations for Lag Ba’omer in Meron. He first addressed the issue of safety approvals:...

Watch: “Nafshi” and “Rachamana” Sung by Simcha Jacoby, Music by Duddy Jacoby

Simcha Jacoby sings two recent hartzige hits with Duddy Jacoby at a wedding at The Royalty House in Detroit. The first song "Nafshi" is featured...

Team Paladino Eyes ‘Anti-Semite’ Smear

Carl Paladino, who has thrown buckets of mud at Andrew Cuomo, may be preparing for a further escalation with documents alleging that Cuomo is...

Photos: Beled Rov, Rav Shloime Taussig, Presents New Sefer from His Father, “Aderes Yosef,”...

{ Israel/Photos: Bechadrei Chareidim}

One More Mitzvah Before Yom Kippur…

-Communicated- Dear Friend Each Year over 1000 meals are served in the Ohaley Yaakov Succah located in the center of Moscow. Every dollar will help us provide...

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