A Reader Writes: Looking for Ancestry Info

Dear [email protected], I am trying to help my Partners in Torah chavrusah confirm his Jewish ancestry. All we have to go with is his mother's...

Washington Post: The Misguided Push To Ban Circumcision

The following is a Washington Post editorial: Financially troubled Europe has plenty to worry about. Yet some in the Old World have decided this is...

Watch Out for the Good Times

By Rabbi Moshe Meir Weiss Let me ask you my dear reader, What is the common denominator between the generation of the flood, the townspeople...

No, Mr. Kerry, The Palestinians Are Not In “Very Dire” Straits

By Benyamin Korn Secretary of State John Kerry's assertion that the Palestinian Arabs are in a "very dire situation" is not only absurd but also...

I Have No Time

By Rabbi Moshe Meir Weiss As I was walking home from shul on Friday night, I was thinking about the sermon I had just delivered...

Israel Bans Palestinians On West Bank Israeli Buses – And For Good Reason

Sounds so credible, so beautiful, so open-and-shut, so obvious, so compelling: Six Palestinians said, "We are like them, exactly like them." The "we" are the...

Opinion: Blame the NY Times for the Disgraceful Anti-Israel UN Security Council Vote

By Ira Stoll In the aftermath of Friday’s disastrous and disgraceful UN Security Council vote condemning Israel, a competition has emerged over who deserves the...

The Commentariat and the Donald Sterling Saga

By Rabbi Steven Pruzansky When the LA Clippers owner chose "Sterling" as his last name, it is clear he didn't have his character in mind....

What Obama Can Learn from Tim Tebow

By Matthew Dowd Sunday night, watching Denver quarterback Tim Tebow's post-game press appearance and President Obama's interview on CBS's 60 Minutes, I was struck by...

Double Joy

By Rabbi Pinchos Lipschutz Think about it. If this year wasn’t a leap year, we would be celebrating Purim this week. Instead, Purim is a...

More At Stake Than You Think In Gaza

By Daniel Taub, Israel's Ambassador to Britain Whether it is Ansar al-Sharia in Libya, Lashkar-e Jhangvi in Pakistan or al-Qaeda around the world, terrorist ...

Analysis: Obama Consistently Engages Radical Muslims

By M. A. Klein and D. Mandel Last week, a diplomatic Kristallnacht occurred. President Barack Obama chose to support and fund a Palestinian...

Not A Chokehold: Truth Of The Garner Arrest

By Bo Dietl It wasn't a chokehold. That's just the biggest single distortion in all the talk about the Eric Garner case, in which the public...

Complete and Utter Sadness

By Rav Ron Yitzchok Eisenman, Congregation Ahavas Israel, Passaic, NJ There are no words which can be said. There are no words which can console. There are...

Understanding the Pollard Parole Canard

The one issue in which the differences between Prime Minister Netanyahu and President Obama appears most stark is the fate of Israeli agent ...

Rove: Strategies for the Stretch Run to Nov. 6

By Karl Rove This year's presidential election was transformed between the first debate's opening statements in Denver and the closing statements in Boca Raton....

A Father in the Stands; A Father in Heaven

By S. Friedman, Matzav.com Fans at a recent Philadelphia Phillies baseball game were treated to real heartwarming scene. I believe the rest of us, though...

Love the Sinner, Not the Sin: Mamzerim and the Cry of the Secular World

By Rabbi Eliyahu Safran …If it’s easy, simple, elementary, pragmatically justified – there is no need for faith… How does the sanctity of a Jew express itself? ...

Video: 10 Really Dumb Mistakes That Very Smart Couples Make

Almost every couple has that moment of revelation. It may be two weeks after the wedding or two months after, but one morning either...

You Are Not Alone

By Rabbi Pinchos Lipschutz It's the last Mishnah of a masechta that is replete with depictions of the day's glory, immersions and offerings. It describes...

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