Why the Dems Lost Weiner’s Seat

By Errol Louis Democrats, from the rank-and-file to President Obama, are worried -- as they should be -- about the surprise victory of a novice...

Report: Man Believed Hired to Kill Police for Accused Lakewood Cop Killer’s Arrest in...

By Jerry DeMarco It seemed like so much TV sensationalism at the time, but unconfirmed reports now say that authorities have this ex-con...

Video: 10 Really Dumb Mistakes That Very Smart Couples Make

Almost every couple has that moment of revelation. It may be two weeks after the wedding or two months after, but one morning either...

You Are Not Alone

By Rabbi Pinchos Lipschutz It's the last Mishnah of a masechta that is replete with depictions of the day's glory, immersions and offerings. It describes...

As One

By Rabbi Pinchos Lipschutz Ever since I became involved with Sholom Mordechai Rubashkin some ten years ago, I have not ceased to be amazed by...

Analysis: Deal’s Sanctions Relief Gives Iran Billions For Terror Actions Obama Admits Deal...

Experts have criticized the insult to the intelligence of the American public - the preposterous claim offered by the State Department that President Obama...

The Proxy War Against Chuck Hagel at the Pentagon Is Really About Obama

By Howard Kurtz The battle over the next secretary of defense isn't ultimately about Chuck Hagel. It's about President Obama and his second-term agenda...

My War Story: A New Torah For Sderot

By Nachum Segal This summer has been incredibly difficult for our brothers and sisters in Israel. Instead of vacationing with their families or making memories...

The Danger and Rampant Corruption of Traffic Light Cameras

By Seth Mandel The ongoing IRS scandal has struck such a nerve with the public because it is a clear example of a prying, ever-present...

New York Times Says Abbas ‘Vilified’ for Challenging Number of Holocaust Victims

By Tamar Sternthal As Israelis marked Holocaust Remembrance Day at ceremonies naming individuals among the 6 million murdered Jews, The New York Times reported...

Expert: UN Resolution Will “Haunt Israel For Years To Come”

By BB Portnoy The anti-settlement UN Security Council resolution the Obama administration allowed to be approved last week will “haunt Israel for years to come,”...

Will Obama Act on New Iran Intelligence?

By Jonathan S. Tobin In 2007, a growing international consensus on the need to stop Iran's drive for nuclear weapons was hamstringed by a...

Does Bibi Talk Too Much, or Too Little? The New York Times Has All...

By Ira Stoll Does the prime minister of Israel, Bibi Netanyahu, talk too little, or too much? The New York Times can’t make up its mind, but...

Lefichoch, The Rambam’s Wake-Up Call

By Rabbi Pinchos Lipschutz There are various reactions to the sound of the shofar's cry. The sensitive soul hears several messages as the plaintive sound...

What Does ‘Death To Israel’ Mean To You?

By Bradley Burston My daughter went to school this morning worried about her civics exam. She came home worried about explosive warheads. As of this week, she's...

Michele Bachmann Pesach Message to “All My Many Friends In The Pro-Israel Community”

A Happy Passover Greeting To All My Many Friends In The Pro-Israel Community: As millions around the world begin to celebrate the feast of Passover...

Analysis: Why Israel Launched a Ground War in Gaza

By Aaron David Miller After days of ominous buildup, it's finally happening: Israel has launched a ground incursion into Gaza. But why, you say? ...

Certain U.S. Abortions Tear The Fetus Apart, ISIS-Style

By Nat Hentoff An April 8 New York Times front-page story reports that "a bill signed into law by Gov. Sam Brownback, a Republican and...

No Surprise: NY Times Editorial Questions Israel Response To Rocket Barrage

The following is an editorial in the New York Times, demonstrating the newspapers usual anti-Israel bias: No country should have to endure the rocket attacks...

Tumors Are Miracles Too

By Rivka Zahava Tumors are tragedies that happen in other people's families, shaking them up and setting their world spinning in a different direction. Not...

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