Lakewood Board Plans to Use Stimulus Funds for Preschool

The Asbury Park Press reports: Some tax watchdogs have come out against the Board of Education's plan to use federal money to expand the...

Pashkevillin: Internet Same Gematriah As Cancer

New pashkevillin posted around Yerushalayim state that the internet and the word sartan (cancer) have the same gematriah. Internet and cancer both have the...

R’ Shlomo Lewenstein Expresses Support for ShidduchVision-Videoconferencing

To Whom It May Concern: As regards ShidduchVision-videoconferencing: ShidduchVision was created to facilitate dates between people who may be in a different city, to save the...

A Reader Writes: These People Don’t Really Want to Get Married

Dear Editor, I've been involved in shidduchim for longer than I want to admit - as a shadchan. I observe some boys and girls committing...

Video: Swastika Painted On Speaker Silver’s Shul

Police are investigating after a swastika was found yesterday painted on the inside of a Manhattan shul. A swastika and a derogatory word...

Mazuz Urged to Enforce Tisha B’Av Ban on Restaurants

The pictures in tomorrow's papers in Israel will probably highlight, once again, the cultural gap between a grieving Yerushalayim and an everyday Tel Aviv; between...

Pomegranate Store Turns 1: Get $100 Certificate if You Share Same Birthday

Pomegranate, a unique gourmet kosher supermarket in Brooklyn, N.Y., is celebrating its first birthday this month with special events, promotions, gifts, tastings and a...

Rubashkins Light Up Sioux Falls

By Aloma Graham The Rubashkin family has brought many firsts to the Jews of Sioux Falls: The first minyan, farbrengan, kriah, and the first Shabbaton...

Record Snowstorm Blankets Baltimore Frum Community

Timothy B. Wheeler and Jacques Kelly of the Baltimore Sun report: Marylanders hunkered down for the most part today and began what could be...

Additional Protests Planned for Yerushalayim Parking Lot

Members of the chareidi community in Yerushalayim are preparing for another weekend of protests against the opening of a municipal parking lot at city...

Torah Umesorah’s 66th Annual Dinner: An Event Not to be Missed

Torah Umesorah is not a chinuch 'organization', it's a movement. It's a movement that encompasses thousands of teachers and tens of thousands of students,...

Flood of Post-Shavuos Shiva Homes Leaves Warehouses Empty

Friday, June 6, marked the first time since Misaskim's founding nearly five years ago that its warehouses were empty -- a result of an...

First Report: Lakewood Reelects Meir and Menashe to Township Committee

First report, 8:50 p.m.: Lakewood, NJ, voters have chosen to reelect township committeeman Meir Lichtenstein and Menashe Miller in today's elections, has confirmed.With...

Over 1,000 Boys Attend Annual Siyum Mishnayos

Williamsburg Brooklyn was the site of Pirchei Agudas Yisroel of America's 46th Annual National Siyum Mishnayos, al sheim Horav Yehoshua Silbermintz, z"l. On...

Virginia Reform Synagogue Doubles as…Mosque for Ramadan

The Associated Press reports: On Friday afternoons, the people coming to pray at this building take off their shoes, unfurl rugs to kneel on...

El Al to Serve Latkes and Sufganiyot Over Chanukah

Israel's National Airline will be serving passengers sufganiot - jelly donuts - and latkes for Chanukah. In addition, Chanukah recipes will be available on EL AL...

Hateful ‘Kill Jews’ Notes Found Scattered Throughout Streets of Brooklyn

A hate-monger blanketed a stretch of a Brooklyn neighborhood with "Kill Jews" notes today - weeks after a similar incident in two other communities....

MDA: 2,200 People in Israel Received Medical Treatment on Yom Kippur

Magen David Adom (MDA) emergency services said it treated some 2,200 people during Yom Kippur. According to MDA, 50 people fainted while fasting and 16...

Rav Simcha Bunim Cohen On NJ Toeivah Vote: Call Senators and Be Mosif in...

There will be a vote on toeivah marriage during the lame duck session of the New Jersey state legislature today. Even sponsors of the...

Polish Bishop Accuses Jews of Using Holocaust as Propaganda

A  leading Polish Catholic bishop caused a stir today  when he was quoted as saying that Jews had "expropriated" the Holocaust as a "propaganda...

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