Give Us Life!

The opportunity to save a life doesn’t come to everyone, but for Lechaim it’s routine. Nobody wants to go on an oncology journey but, if...

For The Very First Time! A Men’s Exclusive Chol Hamoed Event at the American...

The DreamWorks water park located in American Dream is one big record breaker. Largest indoor water park in North America, tallest water slide and...

Mazel tov! Elisheva is a Kallah!

Hello, my name is Elisheva. I am part of a family of 10 children, bli ayin hora, and we live in Eretz Yisrael. Our father raised...

URGENT WATCH: Rav Feinstein: JEWISH CREMATIONS MUST STOP! 500 Jewish Bodies And Counting!

The term “meis mitzvah” is one that evokes the purest, most genuine and heartfelt feelings among Jews. Many people might assume that it is a...

VIDEO: Country Yossi’s Pick For Chanukah Gift

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At Long Last, Branding Contest Winner Emerges

It was exactly a year ago that struggling small business owners who were desperately trying to keep their heads above water got their first...

Black Friday DEAL! 50% OFF!! WIN BIG!

Black Friday DEAL! 50% OFF!! 5-$125 (250) 15-$250 (500) 40-$500 (1000) WIN + The Escalade! + $50,000 Jewelry! + $50,000 Cash! CLICK HERE TO ENTER CLICK HERE TO ENTER

Have The Zechus Of Sponsoring Thousands of Hours of Limud HaTorah

Step into the Bais Medrash on the corner of 45th street and 16th ave and you’ll be met by an uplifting atmosphere of warmth and...

Escalade!! Tesla!! BMW!! 12 Hours Left!!!

CLICK HERE TO ENTER WHEN EATING DISORDERS DESTROY YOUR WORLD MAGEN AVROHOM SAVES LIVES! The struggle against an eating disorder is relentless and constant, 24/7....

Genazym Auction Today! Join Now!

Live at Genazym Auction!


Win 6 free trips to Israel! Enter the Oorah Auction TODAY  and you’ll get automatically entered into 6  bonus raffles to win a ticket to Israel! Raffles will be...

Handicapped Boy Writes Letter to Klal Yisroel

Bs'd That smiling seven year old boy is me, Avrohom Dov. I love school and I love to learn. You see, I have cerebral palsy and...

Today! Genazym Live Auction! Amazing Items! Click Here!

Live at Genazym Auction

Yaakov Singer with a song inspired by Torah learning “Hu Elokeinu”

Following the success of the release of his three singles, in addition to his latest live talk which explains the vital hidden spiritual message...

Inscribe a New Name in the Book of Life

1 in 8 couples struggle with infertility. They watch their friends celebrate milestones. They watch their siblings juggle kids and quarantine. They watch their...

Unique and in Yerushalayim – Torah-24! Shavuos Message of the 8 x 3 =...

Three kedoshei elyon had one common concept when it came to learning Torah – they were the Ohr Hachaim Hakadosh (Rabbi Chaim ibn Attar 1696-1743) when...

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