Daf Inspired – Culling Gems of Inspiration from the Daf

By Rabbi Yehoshua Berman Kesubos 84 - A Quiet Little Alleyway, A Great Lifesaver With this whole discussion of grabbing going on, this daf has an...

Daf Inspired – Culling Gems of Inspiration from the Daf

By Rabbi Yehoshua Berman Kesubos 57 - Time Flies...Or Does It? One of the major differences between then and now is how the process of marriage...

Bar Metzra – Bava Metzia Daf 108

Subscribe to the Daily Daf Yomi Summary here. Our sugya treats the definitions and halachos of a bar metzra, an adjacent neighbor whose field borders...

Sukkah 37: Taking the Daled Minim with One Hand

Rabbi Mordechai Koster is presently a member of the kollel at Bais Medresh Govoha in Lakewood, NJ, where he received semichah. He has...

Daf Inspired – Culling Gems of Inspiration from the Daf

By Rabbi Yehoshua Berman Kesubos 17 - The Ignominious Moments of Greatness Keitzad merakdin lifnei ha'kallah. Definitely one of the better known sugyos in Kesubos,...

Paying for Humiliation – Bava Kamma 86

  Rav Abba bar Mammal inquired: What would be the halachah if someone insulted someone while he (the victim) was sleeping, and then he died...

Weekly Daf Yomi Test – Nazir 2-8

By Rabbi Yehoshua Berman Why is maseches Nazir in Seider Nashim? If someone said “I will be”, is he a nazir? Explain. Why is only a nazir...

Sukkah 55: Becoming an Israeli in Middle of Yom Tov

Rabbi Mordechai Koster is presently a member of the kollel at Bais Medrash Govoha in Lakewood, NJ, where he receivedsemichah. He has written several seforim...

Yoma 81: Feeding the Non-Frum Before Yom Kippur

Rabbi Mordechai Koster is presently a member of the kollel at Bais Medresh Govoha in Lakewood, NJ, where he received semichah. He has...

Daf Inspired – Culling Gems of Inspiration from the Daf

By Rabbi Yehoshua Berman Yevamos 93 - Does That Mean You're Wrong? Rabi ...

Brachos Daf 25

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Sukkah 22: Last Minute Lulav and Esrog

Rabbi Mordechai Koster is presently a member of the kollel at Bais Medresh Govoha in Lakewood, NJ, where he received semichah. He has...

Watch: 7-Minute Iyun Shiur on Daf Yomi – Bava Kamma 57

WATCH: 57 Bava Kamma 1מעמיד בבור דף נ-זממונו בממון המזיק תלוי בפשיעה בההזיקגדר חיוב מעמידמעמיד בשור הפקר.mp4 from Rabbi Moshe Chaim Katz on Vimeo.

Daf Inspired – Culling Gems of Inspiration from the Daf

By Rabbi Yehoshua Berman Kesubos 79 - Money Matters It's a question of which option is a better investment. The wife got a yerusha of...

Don’t Call him Evil – B”M 71

Subscribe to the Daily Daf Yomi Summary here. The Gemora states: If he calls him a evil person, he (the insulted person) may descend against...

Megillah 3: The Leniency of Taanis Esther

Rabbi Mordechai Koster is presently a member of the kollel at Bais Medrash Govoha in Lakewood, NJ, where he receivedsemichah. He has written several seforim...

Sukkah 24: The Canvas Sukkah

Rabbi Mordechai Koster is presently a member of the kollel at Bais Medresh Govoha in Lakewood, NJ, where he received semichah. He has...

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