Video: Rav Berel Wein On Tisha B’Av

In the following video, Rav Berel Wein, noted historian, rov, author and lecturer, provides a synopsis of the sad day of Tisha B'Av,...

Audio: Rav Reisman On Parshas Mattos-Masei

The following is a shiur delivered by Harav Yisroel Reisman, maggid shiur in Yeshiva Torah Vodaas and mara d'asra of Agudath Israel of...

Audio: Rav Reisman On Parshas Chukas

The following is a shiur delivered by Harav Yisroel Reisman, maggid shiur in Yeshiva Torah Vodaas and mara d'asra of Agudath Israel of...

Video: Rav Stulberger on Parshas Shemos

Each week, Rav Avrohom Stulberger, rosh yeshiva of Valley Torah High School in Los Angeles, shares a 3-4 minute message relating to the...

Video: Reb Eli Scheller’s Two Minutes on Parshas Emor

The following is's exclusive weekly feature, Eli Scheller's Two Minutes on the Parsha. With an original approach and unique videography, Eli Shares...

Video: Harry Rothenberg On Parshas Toldos

Attorney Harry Rothenberg offers a five-minute thought on the parsha disseminated by Partners in Torahand Project Inspire. presents his weekly devar Torah here. Click...

Video: Reb Eli Scheller’s 2 Minutes On Purim

The following is exclusive weekly feature, Eli Scheller's Two Minutes on the Parsha. With an original approach and unique videography, Eli Shares a...

Watch: The Extent of the Obligation to Lend Money to Those in Need

Q and A with Rabbi Dovid Grossman Moderated by Rabbi Yitzchok Hisiger WATCH: Question: Many people have been struggling financially over the past few months due to...

Video: The Shmuz On Parshas Vayishlach

Rav Bentzion Shafier has impacted thousands of people with his talks and lectures, and especially with his innovative "Shmuz," a...

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