CBS: Cancer, Heart Disease Biggest Killers in Israel

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More Israelis died from cancer in 2012, the latest year for which statistics were available, than from any other disease, according to data released today by the Central Bureau of Statistics, Arutz Sheva reports.

The second biggest cause of death was heart trouble, and these two conditions together were responsible for more than 40% of all deaths in Israel that year.

A total of 41,877 Israelis died in 2012, a number representing one half of one percent of the country’s population that year. Of that number, 49.4% were male and 50.6% female. 81% of those who died were age 65 or older; of those, 65% were age 75 or older, and 36% over age 85. Six percent were under age 45, while 611 infants one year or younger, representing 1.5% of all deaths, died that year.

Fully 25.4% of the deaths that year – numbering 10,640 people -were due to cancer, while 14.9%, or 6,231, were victims of heart disease. In third place were strokes, which claimed 2,493 lives, 6% of all victims. That was followed by lung problems, including cancer, emphysema, etc., which claimed 5.7%, or 2,370, of the dead. In sixth place was diabetes, from which 2,287 people died, 5,5% of those who expired that year. Other causes of death included infections (4.3%), kidney problems (4.1%), and pneumonia (2.3%). Arutz Sheva

{ Israel}


  1. scary scary. But I totally understand. I suffer from sugar and a potential for heart disease and I’ve been struggling to receive normal care. You go to a regular doctor and he sends you to another. he sends you for blood work ; you walk 2 miles. 2 days later you check it and fax it over to the doctor and you get a referral or approval for a test and just that morning it’s good but the next morning you faint from sugar but you have noone to speak to about it. When you do have a doctor that will listen; he starts preaching homeopathic medicine and his own opinion. You don’t feel like anyone takes care of you. My father in law died from heart disease in israel ; he was a total case study for them. From his first heart attack there was never anything advanced they did; he had different doctors requestioning him all the time about it and giving their opinions. WHile israel is very advanced in Hi tech and research. They may be advanced in some areas in the medical field but in most medical areas they fail their pple.

  2. You do have to remember quite a few people that live in Israel have come from different countries, especially the United States. Maybe all this started with there life style in the other country and then came to live in Israel. Is there statistics how many people who have these problems were born and live in Israel, compared to the new comers???

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