CDC: Fully Vaccinated People Don’t Need To Wear Masks Outside

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Fully vaccinated people can venture outdoors without masks, according to updated guidance from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention issued Tuesday.

The big picture: The anticipated guidelines come as more than nearly 29 million people in the U.S. have received all of their shots and more than 42 million are on their way with at least one shot received.

  • 15 governors so far have let their state orders requiring people to wear face coverings in public expire, according to U.S. News. Many cities and local jurisdictions have also begun to increase capacity at restaurants and businesses.

Details: The guidance applies to fully vaccinated individuals, which health officials classify as two weeks after the second dose of the Pfizer or Moderna vaccines and two weeks after the single-dose Johnson & Johnson vaccine. Vaccinated people can unmask while:

  • Doing physical activities outdoors alone or with members of your household like walking, running, hiking or biking.
  • Attending a small outdoor gathering either with fully vaccinated people or a mixture of vaccinated and unvaccinated people.
  • Dining at an outdoor restaurant with friends from multiple households.
  • Current guidelines on vaccinated people indoors and traveling still applies.

Read more at Axios.



  1. Well Duh. I never wore a mask outdoors since day 1. I only wore one, under the nose, when stores forced us to. I didn’t take any poisonous vaccines either. I commend the private school in Miami that will NOT allow any vaccinated teacher back in the classroom.

  2. To: Proud rodef:
    I recommend you change your online pseudo-nom to: ‘Ignorant Neandertal Man’!!
    At least his survival instincts were better than yours yours.


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