Chabad Rabbi Fired Over Anti-Vax Posts

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A longtime Chabad emissary in Massachusetts was fired after months of social media posts in which he railed against pandemic-related lockdowns and mask mandates.

In more recent weeks Rabbi Michoel Green, the Hasidic movement’s envoy in Westborough for 20 years, encouraged his followers not to be vaccinated with the new COVID vaccines.

“It’s NOT immunization. It’s pathogenic priming & mass sterilization,” he wrote last week, according to Haaretz.

Read more at Cleveland Jewish News.



  1. Chabad Rabbi Fired Over Anti-Vax Posts

    The headline doesn’t match the article.

    He wasn’t fired for being anti-vax. He was fired for being anti lockdown, anti mask mandate and anti a particular vaccine (corona vaccine)

    I’m pro indoor mask mandate and would take the vaccine the day I could. Even there is something about firing someone for posting otherwise that doesn’t sit well with me.

    I hope there is more to the story.

    On anther note why did this guy have to voice his opinion at all? He is a rabbi not a doctor. His focus should be on teaching Torah, Not medical issues. I used to learn wiht secular Jews and was told by the organization I was doing it for warned us to “NEVER DISCUSS POLITICS!!!. You are looking to teach Torah. Not win people over to your political view”

    • This is not politics. It is pikuach nefesh. If a Rav believes that these COVID vaccines are harmful, it doesn’t seem all that halachicly simple for him to withhold that opinion.

      But, as usual, as Shlomo haMelech stated, “viHaKesef yaaneh es haKol”…

  2. So now, in the era of Joe Biden, the First Ammendment has been nullified. One no longer has his/her freedom of speech anymore. The Thought Police have completely taken over. We sit here on the ground and cry in sadness over the change to our once great country. It was a great Nation for 200+ years. Now it has all come crashing down. We’ve gone down without a fight. Without a single bullet being fired. Sad. How will history judge us?

    • Very excellent truthful observation of an extremely tragic and severely dangerous situation, Rachmana Litzlan. Of course, it was not just now (when Biden was illegally inaugurated) that Freedom of Speech of the First Amendment was destroyed. For quite a long while before now, the “mainstream” internet tech giants (Facebook, Twitter, Google, YouTube) were abusively censuring and de-platforming most strongly conservative presentations. In society in general, any person who attempted to claim something that was different from the “mainstream” “official” narrative, was heavily laughed down as being a “tinfoil hat wearing” “conspiracy theorist.” Yes, for quite a long while before now, a person was really quite limited in what he could freely say.

      It was in this set-up of NOT-Freedom-of-Speech that Biden and his whole leftist-deep-state-Toeiva-and-Communist-and-globalist-backed-one-government-world-oriented crew were able to so effectively pull off their wicked thievery of the election and be actually placed in power. For those many notable people who tried to point out that Biden’s so-called “win” was heavily fabricated, were heavily censured and laughed down.

      • We have a mesorah from Rav Chaim Ozer that the last station in galus for Torah is America. Since the America that we all once knew is essentially gone, it must mean that Mashiach’s arrival is imminent.

        • yeah just like in Europe the suffering couldn’t get worse so moshiach must be around the corner. can people stop attaching reasons for moshiach coming any day now. when moshiach will come he will come. no point in coming up with calculations and wasting time

  3. We’re done as a Nation, Mashiach couldn’t come while you’re obsessed with your ‘great nation’. Maybe now, yidden are realizing what hevel havalim American is, they are ready to great Mashiach and move to Eretz Yisroel when the time comes

    • Rav Elchonon Wasserman wrote almost a hundred years ago how, in addition to the idol of Nationalism (Zionism) and other idols of the time, people put their faith in (the idol of) democracy and will yet see how that idol, too, is nothing.

      It seems we have reached that point. Now, all that is left is for Mashiach to come.

  4. @Anonymous; politics discussed in the correct way could also be considered Torah. We have stories from the Gemara that a Talmid went into the bathroom to watch his Rebbi and when asked what he was doing there he answered ” It’s Torah and I need to learn it” . But yes in your situation it probably would not have classified as Torah.

  5. B’Ezras Hashem, we need to learn a little history. For almost all of human existence up until relatively recently of about a century and a half ago, the entire form of health care and medicine was that of various natural healing techniques utilizing naturally occurring herbs and minerals.

    Around the beginning of the 1900’s though, a gigantic change occurred, which was instigated by two of the wealthiest and most prominent families of the American business and political world: The Rockefellers and the Carnegies. Establishing philanthropic foundations, they offered huge monetary endowments to institutions of higher education which were involved in medical training.

    However, these gigantic gifts — even though they were called “gifts” — in reality, they came with a gigantic price. For the foundations “requested” of the schools to have their representatives be on the schools’ boards of directors to “guide” the schools to use the gift money in the “right” way. Obviously, the meaning of the words “the right way” was: “the way that the foundations wanted the money to be used.”

    Now, the way that the foundations wanted the money to be used was absolutely NOT the way of Natural Medicine! Instead, it was exactly the opposite: newly created man-made vaccine & medicine concoctions of synthetically formed chemicals and other toxic substances, along with frequent major surgery procedures.

    In other words, the Holy, Holy, Holy Rockefeller & Carnage Foundations made it glaringly clear to all the schools that they would give them $$$$$ ONLY if WHAT they taught was this “new” “modern” way of man-made-synthetic-chemical-medicine. If they wanted to teach any of the “old” natural way, they would get no money!!

    So, by this heavy-handed coercion of outright blackmail, the Rockefeller & Carnage families very quickly radically changed the form of medical training and the entire medical profession from the old-natural-way to the new-synthetic-chemical-way. This included that the American Medical Association would now accept only doctors of the new way as members, and, similarly, the state medical boards would now grant licenses only to doctors of the new way.

    The new profession made a massive program to inform the public that this new way IS the “official,” “legitimate,” “true,” “real” medicine, and that the old way is just that — “old”!! It is “Old-Fashioned,” “Backwards,” “Primitive,” and “Voodoo Medicine.” Doctors who tried to use it were branded: “Frauds,” “Charlatans,” “Quacks,” and “Snake Oil Salesmen.” They are often summoned before government tribunals to answer for their “sins”; in countless cases their licenses are revoked, and they are thrown in jail.

    So, yes, the new way has most certainly become “the way that things are done,” and, the full weight of law enforcement might has been employed, along with the massive intensive endless promotion of the “mainstream” media, to “make sure” that this new way will absolutely always be “THE way that things are done.” And the old way — it simply does not exist!!

  6. (Continuation of my remark)

    So, this is the situation of the general realm of health & medicine that has existed for well over a century, which has understandably caused the vast majority of people to think that this new way of Modern Medicine is THE ONLY proper way of taking good care of our health, and anything different from it is really a danger to our wellbeing.

    What occurred in this “new” specific situation of this last year of the Coronavirus/Covid-19 (so-called) “Pandemic” is similar to what occurred in the general situation of the last over 100 years. Only, this “new” occurrence is well over 1,000 times more intense. In fact, we can probably well say that the intensity of this “new” occurrence of this one last year is well equal to the total intensities of all the occurrences of all the previous 100 years combined!

    In this “new” occurrence — like in the previous 100 years occurrences — the Modern Medical (so-called) “establishment,” the tyrannical elements of many governments, and the big blare-horn of the “mainstream” media, were the ones who ran the show. Day after day after day, they blasted out this excessively frightening story of this hyper-hyper-hyper-deadly-virus, which rapidly spreads around — and you don’t even know it — and there is no cure for it, and it is killing many millions world over, and this (the Lockdowns, etc., etc.) is what must be done for it.

    Again, this was the “mainstream,” “official,” “establishment” that was speaking, so THIS was the “mainstream,” “official,” “established” narrative. And anyone who said anything different was thus a “tinfoil hat wearing” “conspiracy theory nut” who was threatening our very lives!!

  7. (Continuation of my remark)

    What was done to Rav Michoel Green, a Talmid Chacham, a Rav, a Chabad Shaliach, who, for TWENTY YEARS had been Marbitz Torah in Westborough and had made a tremendous Kiddush Hashem and had brought countless people back to Hashem, that he was bluntly fired from his position of such Avodas HaKodesh.


    Because he DARED to tell people what is the truth!! He DARED to warn people that this so-called “mainstream,” “official,” “establishment” — THEY ARE ALL FULL OF LIES!! And, every other month, they keep changing their rules!! And most of them themselves do not even follow those rules!! He DARED to inform people that the Covid illness can be EASILY cured with Vitamin C and Vitamin D and numerous other simple common remedies. He DARED to warn people that this new Covid vaccine is a SEVERELY DEADLY concoction!! And just in these few weeks when it has first come out, it has already injured thousands of people, over three hundred of whom died and many more were maimed for life.

    So, what was done to Rav Michoel Green was outright mean, cruel abuse. And this crime is on the filthy hands of Anthony Fauci and Bill Gates, Yimach Shemam V’Zichram, and countless others of the evil so-called “mainstream,” “official,” “establishment,” who fiendishly manipulated the vast majority of people to think that Rav Green — and many others like him — were threatening everyone’s life, when, in reality, they were just trying to SAVE everyone’s life.

  8. Tip it scary. The crack up routine can put men in so placement the well world sees ChaBad as the forefront notice of Torah elite judaism.

    It is considered the elite. My soul and my rabbi consider the humor of a respectable Haredi culture a trial expenditure. Something is not accurate for Torah growth.

    Butter no muffin, this cut up jewish practice welfare coat is harder than gosh and gold. We did not ask them but they faced my soul like Koresh. I tipped them my science and the child tipped me it was of no place in the Tanya. I guess as they have Tanya but we just want time we ask why we format their way everywhere. Cut it out.

  9. These articles attract more loony comments than an open honeypot does ants – the longer the comment the more deranged its author (no matter how ‘scholarly’ he purports to sound or how he subdivides his drivel into less obnoxiously looking chapters)


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