CHAOS IN MERON: “Meron’s Outline” Collapsed, Transportation to Rashbi Stopped, Police Lose Control (Videos)

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After thousands of people broke into the Rashbi compound in Meron and broke down the partitions between the men and women, the police raised their hands and announced, after assessing the situation, the collapse of the so-called “Meron Outline.”

At the same time, extremists set fire to the Toldos Avraham Yitzchok compound equipment. The checkpoints set up at the kever Rashbi complex were thrown into a nearby wadi.

Following this, the Ministry of Transport announced that under the direction of the police, bus traffic to Meron was stopped. Bus service for those leaving the mountain to destinations around the country will continue as usual.

Anyone who is in the close parking lots to Meron will be able to reach kever Rashbi later on. All other shuttles are canceled.

Following a deliberate sabotage of the safety infrastructure in the kever Rashbi complex, which was caused by extremists and poor police control, it was decided to stop all transportation to the site.

The police officers in Meron were inept, according to witnesses. They had no understanding of crowd control and will ill prepared for the task that lay before them.

In addition, the police, with glee, engaged in violence, beating up chareidi men and women at will. Some of the video clips emerging from Meron are shocking.

An announcement from the Meron “Information Headquarters” stated, “The possibility of holding a memorial event for those who perished in the Meron disaster will be examined in accordance with the recommendation of the professionals. We apologize to the many visitors for the mental anguish caused by the extremist group that chose to violate the public order.”



    • You’re surely referring to the police hooligans. Exactly what they are. חיות רעות. Chareidim have been singing, dancing and davening peacefully all the years. Why did the government think they can do whatever they want in a holy place?
      Some were davening today at the section where the Todos Aron usually makes his hadloka in Meron. Suddenly the police showed up and chased them away? Why? Who made them boss? Who called them to take care of anything? Are the police animals normal?
      If you think differently, you obviously have no idea of the truth that’s happening and you’re just brainwashed from the fake media like many commenters after you.

    • It will!
      You should see videos of R’ Meilich Biederman’s hadlakah. They say over 20k people were there. Most of whom you categorize as ‘extremists’. Not one policeman was there. There was no violence, no injury, no pushing, no traumatized children. FYI
      It was a beautiful and SAFE event.
      Yes, it is the chilonim’s fault (-Hashems shilach)

      • No no no. We have to bend over backwards, twist ourselves into pretzels, and use wild creative imagination in order to be dan licaf zchus these pork eating michalel Shabbos chilonim! We have to keep repeating, they’re not Frum “yet”. Yet yet yet. If we allow them to assault us, then they’ll just love us to pieces and will be Frum before nightfall.

  1. Someone asked me if I would like to travel to Meron today. I told him, “I haven’t decided yet, I’m still sitting on the fence.”

  2. B”H for the chareidim who took care of things. The chutzpah of the police to have women police controlling by the men and men by the women. It was pleasant hearing that one of the women police in the men’s section got tons of water thrown on her. She started to cry. Then the men police dragged some chassidim by their peyos kicked them and trampled on them as revenge. Why did they stop the music? Why didn’t they allow cases of sweet drinks. Why were buses with men driven with women drivers?

    The Hadlakah for Sefardim, especially by Rabbi Shimon, is a major event. Chassidim who also go al pi shitas Arizal, have started hadlakos by Rabbi Shimon too.
    What the head police of this whole Meron affair was told by Rabbi David Abuchatzira shlit”a is serious matter… He’s probably behind all this chaos as revenge. Last year after the Meron massacre many police and judges suddenly died too.

      • Your knee-jerk reactions demonstrates your extreme bias. Especially now in the days rabbi akiva talmidim succumbed for lo nahagu loved zeh bzeh, emphasizes the urgency of your self reflection.

  3. מי כעמך ישראל such great מסירת נפש to dance on top of graves לכבוד רשב”י.
    Not allowing the Tziyoinim to take control of Meron is one of the Mitzvos
    of יהרג ועל יעבור. We should not take into consideration of the סכנה שבו
    as long as we show the Nazim we can outsmart them.

    • Why exactly do the Tziyonim have to suddenly take control of Meron when there were b”H never any mishaps until last year when the Tziyonim murdered 45 Kedoshim Hy”d? And if so, why did they stop the music? What did it bother them the music last night and today? It’s well known that Rabi Shimon is very makpid at those who disturb the day of his simcha. I don’t envy the Tziyonim what they will go through for this.

  4. This is worse than last year, by far. My ram begged me not to come. I’m an idiot a poor poor idiot. Please Davens for me.

  5. Gedolei Yisroel call it a milchama between the Kedusha and the Sitra Acha / the Tumah.
    The Kedushah will win because רשב”י is involved.

  6. Play stupid games, win stupid prizes. Hitting, shoving, or assaulting a police officer is never a good idea.

    • I am sure you are referring to the police.
      ‘Win stupid games’ by pocking their nose where they are not needed, and ‘win stupid prizes’ by losing your ‘power’!!!
      Good for EVERY police officer that got a punch+ from a charedi.

  7. They come prepared with tools to destroy and vandalize , then blame police. They tear down tzniut mechitzot and blame police and Zionists. All this on a holy day. They wreak havoc and hooliganism and blame the government. Liars and thugs.

    • In which video do you see them tearing down the women mechitzos? The chilonim never controlled this site and there was never any violence against neither women nor children. Why did this animals release a statement that they saved them from the ultra extremist? I bet all you bashers never accepted that the haredis want to pray, let alone follow this “old religion”. You are therefore disqualified to judge.

    • Did you see the ten hours that the wicked Zionists kept them waiting on buses or in parking lots before finally letting them in? Are you that quick to judge your fellow Jews based on some videos?

  8. Then we sit on the floor every Tisha biav and wonder why Moshiach hasn’t come yet. Sad state of affairs. Both sides are wrong.

    • No. The wonder is why some people still haven’t abandoned the idolatry of Zionism.

      You have zero right to be motzi shem ra on all those Jews by claiming that “both sides are wrong”. The wicked Zionists badly mistreated the frum Jews who were simply trying to daven at the kever, in addition to the Zionist general shmad and persecution of their frum citizens.

      The videos you saw were from after all that happened.

  9. Hope the government will learn their lesson that murdering 45 people did not accomplish their goal of controlling Meron. They should let charedim control it on their own like they’ve been doing all the years. The police had no right to eliminate the Rashbi festivities, taking off the music, closing the tomb, stopping the buses to Meron, throwing Jews out and having women shlepping men out.

    Reb Shimon will not remain quiet after such police chaos. PLEASE LET US KNOW WHAT HAPPENED TO THE COMMANDER AND POLICE COMMISSIONER.

    • Exactly! Chareidim are good peaceful people who just need a bit of respect and effort for their agenda. the govt can’t handle that meron is a bigger deal than Yom Haatzmaut.

    • Yeh, it was. It was geshmack to punch and get get punched. You’ve got to mix it up every now and then. You can’t just be a taker (being punched). You’ve got to be a giver (punch them) as well.



    • easy to judge; police mean good in eretz yisroel but are ill trained; there is no ethics dept and many other issues in training. never ever will an american understand the dynamics here until they dont live here.

  11. last year 45 were lost that means 45 families that lost a loved one think for a second that means a whole nation broken cause we are 1 nation. if even 1ns in pain we all feel his pain . may they have a ‘refuah shelehmah’ and Hashem should watch over klal yisrole


  13. I was there and I can tell you that the police were looking to create machlokes. We had to wait over an hour and half on the buses while the police stopped us every few meteres. They literally had the buses going in circles just so we should feel that we are accomplishing something when we were doing nothing! Then when we got there they made everyone wait to go up to the tzion, over an hour! When we finally got into the tzion we had to walk through it single file, and if anyone tried to stop for a second they were physically pushed by the police. When I asked if I could Daven outside the tzion I got screamed at, as if I had done something wrong. This was all by the very empty ladies side where there wasn’t more than 100 ladies who were even trying to get in. They had men police by the ladies and lady police by the men just to get people mad.
    I went to Daven, but came out with such a negative feeling of the police and how it was handled.

  14. my husband had a ticket yesterday for 5pm which is late but they left yerushalayim at 12pm so they can be there on time. They left with their chassidus busses. His chassidus is considered a more zionistic chassidus; they dont attend hafganos and they follow the laws. They were on the way for 8.5 hours.. They arrived and the lack of organization and respect was terrible. they were turned away even if each person without exception had a ticket paid for. they started travelling around to arab villages to find a different route just to reach that mountain. they travelled for another 2 hours and finally were dropped off at a different entrance; that was the entrance for the Tekes Zikaron; similar to what the govt makes for Yom Hazikaron. They had a stage and singers and a moment of silence; albeit it was on the other side of the mountain. The govt wanted the whole Hilula to become a stately controlled affair with concerts and memorials and every bombastic and propoganda thing they use for their own stately events. To this event the police did allow all the chassidim to go through. so our smart men told the police that they didn’t come to daven, they came to the memorial event and they were let through. But being dropped off at the event venue meant needing to walk to the other side of the mountain down and up again; another 40 minutes.. All so they reach the mountain, the mountain of Torah, the mountain of yiddishkeit, the mountain of the Zohar; the secrets, the miracles, the hidden mystery of punishment and light at the same time, the mountain that pulls the deepest part of yids neshama…. By the time my husband and little 11 yr old reached the mountain my older son was there with his Rosh Yeshiva too. There was not a policeman in sight. Let me say that the policemen individually are probably not hateful. they are just so ill trained and so ill exposed to our life. the police dept are run by a bunch of liberal zionists who never created an ethics dept. they aren’t trained to differentiate between chareidim and arabs. they use tactics they dont even use for terrorists and dont understand over and over again that it wont work. They never cared to go into the mind of the chareidi. To understand who they are, what they want and how peaceful they truly are; just respect whats important to them. Reb Meilich made a Hadlaka with over 20 thousand people. He asked the police to stay away. Not one policeman and perfect order. shisha; a guy with billions of dollars available from donors; a Toldos Ahron chassid suggested at the panel for a safe Meron that he will bring in private security and spend as much as possible but just let us do it the way it works for us; you stay out and they refused. They came up with a plan that was extreme; missing the light and atmosphere of what Meron should be. Shamed rabbanim and chashuv people who all came with Tickets to follow the rules. They had prison cells all over for the gentle eidel eyes to see. If someone veered a foot away from the designated path he got pushed and hit; no matter the age. The behavior was appaulling. Make no mistake, the taking over of the mountain later in the day by erliche chareidim was little about extremists; all of them held tickets. All of them wanted to follow rules but nobody let them. The mountain was begging for the light and the fire to return and so did it’s followers. They felt it and were going to do whatever it takes. Please remember; that the lack of organization and the pushing all the years was never the chareidim’s fault. The responsibilty was never given to them. They were in the hands of politicians and the police. Any complaint anyone has can easily be blamed on the participants but must must be redirected to those that were in charge. It is a fact that Meron will be swarming with people but those that took upon themselves to make is safe; they are to blame. My sons and husband stayed there till 2am last night. They said Reb Tzvi meir made a hadlaka with thousands. They had sadranim chareidi; yerushalmi organizing the ways. Everyone listened. He even easily reached the Tzion. He davened for everyone. There was such simcha and derhoibenkeit for those that were there. Because those organizing it were those that knew how our mentality and psychee works. They were not fighting it , they worked around it and made seder. They arrived back home at 4am uplifted and ignited with a chiyus. It was absolutely beautiful!

  15. הוי מתפלל בשלומה של מלכות, שאלמלא מוראה, איש את רעהו חיים בלעו

    Doing your own thing, and thinking you know best leads to anarchy.

    If you want to live in a civilised society and be treated like adults, then start behaving like adults.

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