Chareidi MKs Give Up Demand To Amend Law Of Return

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The Knesset’s two chareidi parties, Shas and United Torah Judaism, have dropped their demand that the incoming Netanyahu government tighten Israel’s immigration laws by amending the Law of Return, Arutz Sheva reports. According to the report, Likud negotiators have succeeded in convincing Shas and UTJ to drop their demand that their coalition agreements include a provision for removing the grandfather clause from the Law of Return.

The Likud’s right-wing and religious allies have called on the incoming government to amend the country’s Law of Return – the 1950 law which guarantees Jews around the world the right to immigrate to the Jewish state and receive citizenship. Specifically, lawmakers have pressed the Likud to agree to roll back the 1970 amendment to the law, which extends the Right of Return to the non-Jewish spouses of Jewish immigrants, and to the non-Jewish grandchildren of Jews.

The Likud, however, is wary any changes to the law could alienate Diaspora Jews and drive immigrant voters to Avidgor Liberman’s Yisrael Beytenu party, which draws heavily from the Russian-speaking immigrant population.

Now the chareidi MKs have given in to the Likud’s demand that no commitment be made to changing the Law of Return.


  1. WE as individuals and as a community have become a society of people who are less based on core principals and more based on considerations and circumstances. It is a sad state of affairs . However it is good to be honest with ourselves and know our situation.

  2. Dropping the demand will result in MORE voters for Lieberman and company

    And worse more unfortunate media trumped conversion destroying cases of cause celebrè

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