CityMD Mistakenly Told 15,000 People With Coronavirus Antibodies They’re Immune

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Urgent care provider CityMD has acknowledged that it mistakenly told 15,000 people in New York and New Jersey who tested positive for coronavirus antibodies that they’re immune to the virus, CNBC reports.

Public health officials have said they don’t yet know whether antibodies give people immunity to a reinfection of Covid-19. People who logged in to their patient portal to retrieve their results online saw the inaccurate statement, which was attributed to “an editing error” that has since been corrected, spokesman Matt Gove told CNBC.

CityMD corrected the language after CNBC sought comment, and it is reaching out to affected patients, Gove said. Read more at CNBC.



  1. If antibodies don’t necessarily confer immunity, then what is the point of a vaccine that will produce antibodies to the virus? Am I missing something here? Please ask your doctor about this!

    I would like to hear from people who are provax: Would you take the new vaccine knowing the following information?

    Would you let your child take the vaccine knowing that it was not tested on children?
    Would you take the vaccine knowing that the both the govt and the vaccine companies have no liability for damage or death? (Feb, 4, 2020) (Part B)

    Please let us know!

    • Will you accept responsibility and liability for the damage you did by posting there is no need to worry? And how many children do you have anyway?

  2. Why would they think that antibodies don’t equal immunity in covid19?! This “no immunity” is not even a theory, just a wild speculation without any evidence, and it ignores the fact that in case of all viruses in this family antibodies do equal immunity to the particular strain at least. Even more so, if this “no immunity” speculation was true, then any vaccine development would have been futile. Basically, making wild speculations like “no immunity” is almost as idiotic as seeing a weather balloon and claiming it to be aliens.

  3. if i understand correctly, the claim that true verified antibodies doesn’t give ANY form of immunity isn’t correct (i think one estimate was a year), for if not any person who had coronavirus and recovered could promptly re-get it from their relatives that they infected and forever infect each other, rather the question is more about how much immunity, meaning how long will you be immune for, and i think that also the question is if can be contagious if you are exposed again, if you will show any symptoms etc. Therefore a vaccine can certainly help a person be more prepared if they are exposed, at least partially and at least for a specific period of time

  4. Immunologist here. Firstly your body may make antibodies to the virus but are they affecTive in neutralizing the virus. Example let’s compare antibodies to bullets. We want bullets to hit the virus in the head or chest ( spike protein). If we’re just hitting the virus in the “arms or legs” of the virus those type of antibodies are useless. Example all hiv patients make antibodies to the virus but those antibodies are useless in fighting the virus. Vaccine ensures that the right antibodies are being made. That being said … if these antibodies are not effective from having the natural course where are the readmitted patients? It would be an easy study to do To tally up how many patients were in the hospital a month later again who were already in the hospital ? How many patients required intubation again ? These studies would be very easy to do and the fact that we don’t see them leads me to believe that readmissions are not happening.

    • You wrote you are an immunologist. Can you please comment on this article’s content? Thank you.
      “Experts generally agree that animal experiments and human clinical trials of candidate vaccines for COVID-19, which is caused by the novel severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2), should include a careful assessment of possible immune complications before releasing the vaccine to the public. If any of the mechanisms under investigation are indeed involved, they say, the resulting risks are real. ‘You really have to test a vaccine carefully,’ says Marc Lipsitch, an epidemiologist at the Harvard Chan School of Public Health in Boston, MA, ‘and not just roll it out because people are clamoring for it with an epidemic underway.’”

    • Dear AI, you are as much an immunologist as I am a ballerina… and I am a three hundred pounds big hairy guy who can’t dance. That’s very disingenuous of you to compare to HIV. No one can beat HIV on their own without some extreme experimental treatments, while covid19 is beatable by our immune systems alone, hence our immune systems are perfectly capable of producing “bullets that hit this virus in the head” to use your analogy. Why don’t you compare covid19 to other viruses in the corona family – you clearly see that antibodies do equal immunity. It is completely illogical to throw up wild ridiculous speculations, unless you have some real data that survives Occam’s Razor, in which case it may graduate to “a theory” level. Apparently you don’t follow the above reasoning which is the basis of the scientific method. Hence you are not an educated person, and you are not an immunologist.


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