Clashes Over Yerusha: Inevitable or Preventable?

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Dayanim, lawyers and accountants weigh in on the most common mistakes people make, and what to do to get your will right.

(Want to read the full estate-planning guide? Download it here)

There are challenges that are inherent to death.

But there are also problems that don’t have to be. And most of those issues come up when the will is read and children suddenly realize they aren’t clear on what their parents actually wanted. 

“He said to split the house between the six of us. Does that mean we evict Bracha, or have her borrow to buy the rest of us out?”

“Halachically Moshe should get double, does that mean we’re doing wrong if we take our share?”

“Dovid wants to sell the business, but the others say they’ll step up and help out if he stays on. I don’t know. I wish Dad would have told us what he thought we should do” 

Mortality, money, and family dynamics can be tricky subjects. Understandably, many people plan to write their will “later”, but sometimes later doesn’t happen. Or if it does, the will is missing key elements and ends up creating as many problems as it solved. 

That’s where Odenu comes in. As a non-profit on a mission to make clear, valid wills the norm, they’re enabling people to leave a legacy of peace. 

Odenu worked with a team of dayanim, lawyers and accountants to develop a guide on the most common mistakes everybody makes, and what to do to get your will right. 

In it you’ll find:

  • 4 steps to your friction-free plan: Where to start and what’s crucial to include

  • The most common mistakes and how to prevent them

  • Practical things you can do to leave a will that’s clear and valid

You can download the guide right here at no cost.

Odenu is a non-profit on a mission to normalize estate planning and discussions, and to make them happen earlier. So death draws family closer together, not further apart.For more information, or to get in touch, visit