CLEAN TO THE BONE: People Washing Hands So Much During COVID It’s Ruining Their Skin

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With mask-wearing and social distancing at the top of everyone’s minds, the coronavirus pandemic has taken a surprising toll on a somewhat unexpected place: the hands of Americans. According to a new survey, the average American washes their hands 10 times per day since the pandemic began. They also sanitize them an additional eight times each day.

With that in mind, the OnePoll survey of 2,000 Americans reveals more than half (51%) say their digits are feeling drier than ever. Nearly three in 10 report their hands are flaky from increased hand-washing and sanitizing. Over one in five (22%) say their hands have even bled from all the cleaning.

Read more at StudyFinds.




  1. Another Matzav anti covid activity article.
    According to Matzav, don’t wear a mask and don’t wash your hands.
    Ignore anti covid measures.

    • That’s right. Those who wear masks covering their face up to their eye lashes are dumb idiots. Brainless brainwashed gullible prunes.

      • And those who only cover their mouths or no less brainless brainwashed gullible dumb idiots. They have absolutely no proof that mask help. If anything, so many people were hospitalized with respiratory issues precisely because of the mask and yet these prunes are continuing their masks.

  2. There was a meme going around at the beginning of covid
    (picture of a hand with small print all over it)
    “I washed my hands so much, I uncovered my college notes from 1982”

    • it does the same thing. don’t fall for the hype soap and detergent type soaps clean hands. if your hands are dry try moisturizer!

  3. so let me get this straight matzav actually posted a article trying to malign washing hands. ummm… let’s see whats worse dry hands or contracting covid? are children running matzav?

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