Coke Conducting Employee Seminars ‘To Be Less White’

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Coca-Cola is staging training seminars for employees, stressing for the need to “try to be less white,” with instructions to “be less oppressive, be less arrogant, be less certain, be less defensive, be less ignorant.”

The program, “Confronting Racism. Understanding what it means to be white. Challenging what it means to be racist,” is available online by Robin DiAngelo, who also authored the 2018 book “White Fragility.”

The company confirmed it was conducting the seminars, according to, to which a spokesperson stated the program was “part of a learning plan to help build an inclusive workplace.” The report did not say if the training was mandatory.

Read more at NEWSMAX



  1. This is a racist diversion by the behemoth priviliged WHITE, Coke Cola. The only thing we want from Coke is REPARATIONS! Coke should pay every black in this nation $10,000.00. The only reason Coke keeps raising their prices is to hurt blacks. Coke is still practicing systemic racism. President Biden is doing a terrible job in ending racism and hasn’t done enough to punish whites, including himself. We must bring whites to their knees.

  2. Hey I learned they have a bottling company in Bnei Brak tonight. This stuff is always bad for you. But if you have a divinity the best way to improve is to trash out the plan to drink this chemical formula drink. It is bush.

  3. They changed the formula ( yet again) in the 1980’s…using high Fructose Corn Syrup, and using Phosphoric Acid in place of Citric Acid.

    Phosphoric acid dissolves teeth much more effectively than Citric Acid. I drank a lot of Coca-Cola, and it did not do my teeth wonders. On the other hand Coca-Cola does not like to pay for City water, so they use boreholes ( wells). So maybe I got less Fluoride.

    • What do you think Colas are for? They cremate souls today. It just makes the burn go faster. Bad bones!

      I never drink it now. I want some respect for my grave. It sure has a bad thought. Give the money to charity and think Hashem has more to go.

      Too too too. No buff-biz-fizz.

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