Concerns for a Poultry Shortage Mount for Pesach

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It is no longer a question as to whether there will be a poultry shortage this Pesach, Kosher Today reports. Kosher food sources are simply trying to figure out how bad the shortage will be.

Many of the stores in Lakewood, NJ, for example, say that they have poultry, but are concerned whether they will be able to meet demand as the Yom Tov of Pesach approaches.

It is no consolation that the shortage goes well beyond kosher. The shortage appears to have been well advertised as poultry manufacturers cited extreme weather in many farm areas, labor shortages which have hit America in general, and an overstock of chickens.

Industry sources say that the Covid pandemic had a devastating effect on the labor force.



  1. This is the gentle notice to expect even higher than normal prices for already inflated Pesach necessities.
    After all, why should the Poultry market be left behind in the consumer gouging?

  2. Lie’s lie’s and more damn lie’s. This is, and has always been, an excuse for PRICE GOUGING!!! These wicked evil heimishe distributers/wholesalers/retailers are ganavim thru and thru. Wherever they can rip off a fellow Yid they will do. Greedy evil lowlifes. It’s the same for the price of lulavim, esrogim, hand matzah’s. They conveniently find a lie, punkt before a major Yom Tov like Pesach and Succos. Wicked evil predators.

  3. This is a manufactured shortage planned and created by the G-dless globalist elite of the World Economic Forum. They want to turn the entire globe into a meatless society where people would only be able to eat soy-based fake meats doctored up with all kinds of chemicals. All produce would be genetically modified as well. They claim that animals emit too much methane gas that is contributing to global warming. The USDA has already been forcing farmers to destroy their crops in order to create food shortages and exponentially raise food prices. Farmers have been threatened to lose their farm subsidies if they fail to follow these orders. This is all part of Bill Gates’s, Klaus Schwab, yimach shemom v’zichrom, and the rest of their G-dless globalist cohorts evil plan to force mankind into starvation, dependency on artificial chemically laced foods, and dependency on government handouts which are to be based on the social credit score system (digitalization/bar-coding of all humans via vaccines and/or forced implantation of body microchips). They want to force people to become malnourished in order to harm their immune systems for the next planned pandemic chas veshalom and thereby forcing more people to take more toxic vaccines or more toxic pharmaceuticals in order to get points in their social credit in order to try to stay alive. This is all part of their diabolic evil scheme of massive world depopulation and total enslavement and control over every life detail of those who manage to stay alive.

    • If you are really seeking the Emes, then you should quit posting lies, especially blatantly stupid ones, first of all. Whether you continue to believe in them, or not, that is your personal choice, but if you do, Emes will elude you forever.

    • This is a part of G-ds master plan!
      Stop blaming the messenger!!
      G-d in His infinite wisdom decided that this is best, so we need to pray to Him that we can always see the tov straight through this, and that any pinch we feel can be a kappara (perhaps for all of the lashon hara happening here….).

  4. This is a part of G-ds master plan!
    Stop blaming the messenger!!
    G-d in His infinite wisdom decided that this is best, so we need to pray to Him that we can always see the tov straight through this, and that any pinch we feel can be a kappara (perhaps for all of the lashon hara happening here….).


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