Controversial Ad Uses 9/11 Attacks to Highlight Danger of Yiddishe Neshamos in Public School

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Some people are bent out of shape over a new advertisement from Nechomas Yisroel appearing in chareidi media that uses the September 11 attacks to highlight the work of this organization, which is focused on ensuring that Yiddishe neshamos do not end up in public school.

The ad shows a picture of the Twin Towers after they were hit by the planes that ultimately felled the World Trade Center, and on bottom it says, “So Many Neshamos Are in Danger of Being Burned This September…if they enter public school.”

Some commenters have expressed their distaste with the use of the 9/11 attacks in such an advertisement, while others felt that losing neshamos to public school is no simple matter, and a drastic analogy – like that of 9/11 – was needed to make that point.



  1. Stupid nothing burger. Matzav allows the most outrageous click bait ads for every fake crocodile tears story they get paid for. Communicated content. Yeh right. Matzav suddenly allows videos of brazen nashim crying on the video that they can’t afford the latest chumus dip for their 10th child’s sheva brachos. This is no different. Matzav has no morals. No need to get all indignant and censor the truth of what I’m saying.

  2. Some commenters have expressed their distaste …

    Is there a shortage of silly comments and controversy on Matzav that you need to keep us informed of what those commentators are saying elsewhere as well?

  3. It is divinity a jewish soul must find. No public school assists.

    Dry by dry taste, the yid underappreciates his family, his Torah and daringly almost even as if too his own milk civic life.

    The dry guy only has Chabad to choose from if he ever wants an upscale living and the outcome of that is just a non-regulated Torah soldier.

    The end of all is public school. Some know and have exploited. The goal ultimately is college. You get your degree, live away from an eruv and make no more selling sense than memory killed over reform.

    A yid should be affiliated with yeshiva thoughts and news and should adopt Torah law. Gross irregular dry wish.

  4. I just feel it is wrong! True, every Jewish soul is a precious gem and G-d forbid every lost soul is tragic – an incomprehensible loss – nevertheless the pain that so many families experienced at the horrific 9/11 tragedy, a parallel out not be drawn no matter how grave the situation. Nicholas Yisrael blew this one!

    • dear joseph there’s no grater tragedy than losing a jewish child
      yes one jewish child is worth more than both twin tower buildings’… every jewish child matters more than any-thing in the whole world.

      Nechomas Yisroel please continue your lifesaving work and use whatever means necessary to save a child.

  5. I do not understand the ad. What dies one have to do with the other. One is a potential spiritual holocaust and the other is a mizbayach of makadshei Hashem.
    Even on a surface level, one is an attack on innocents and the pther is tinokos shenusbiu putting themselves in spiritual harm.
    form another view- if your father, husband, brother, sister, wife died in that fire pictured, does this ad cause pain? Bad memories? Loss of equilibrium? Or does it inspire to write a check to help this amazing tzedakah??
    Raising money while causing painful recalls to so many people??? I involuntarily shuddered when I saw it and it7 got me very upset….. I will have to overcome those feeling in order to think about providing support.

    • you can shuder all you want. stop and take a minute to think are you really going to holdback from saving a jewish child because you didn’t like the add.and to say it publicly you should be ashamed………….,….. SO YES STOP AND SHUDDDDDER CUSE WHEN I SAW YUOR COMENT THATS WHAT I DID.

  6. CJ- I have always supported them and will continue to do so. I still shuddered and wrote that I will have to overcome those feelings. O am not withdrawing because of an insensitive, inappropriate ad. THAT would be foolish……….. why should we lose neshamos because of bad pr department?

    • i hope i wasn’t to strong wen i replied at you. if i was are you mochel me. i was just so upset that people are criticizing a organization that’s saving the world .

  7. בפרשת כי תצא (כג, ט): בָּנִ֛ים אֲשֶׁר יִוָּלְד֥וּ לָהֶ֖ם דּ֣וֹר שְׁלִישִׁ֑י יָבֹ֥א לָהֶ֖ם בִּקְהַ֥ל ד’.

    ושאר האומות מותרין מיד. הא למדת שהמחטיא לאדם קשה לו מן ההורגו, שההורגו הורגו בעולם הזה, והמחטיאו מוציאו מן העולם הזה ומן העולם הבא, לפיכך אדום שקדמם בחרב לא נתעב וכן מצרים שטבעום, ואלו שהחטיאום נתעבו.

  8. would like to know whoever said there’s nothing wrong, if they lost a close relative on 9/11 would they still say there’s nothing wrong?

    • Well, if you’d get your head out of the sand and realize that the whole Sep. 11th horror was set up by our beloved trustable government, maybe you will come to a different conclusion. No planes went into the Twin Towers. Impossible. No airplane can just slice thru a steel building like a hot knife thru butter without the wings breaking off. The fake video the trustable government feeds you shows the alleged plane just going thru the entire building and smoothly coming out the other side. ARE YOU THAT DUMB AND STUPID???!

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